Sunday 22nd June 2003 - Langdales, Lake District

The walks this month take us to the Langdales in the Lake District. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 a.m. prompt with a toilet stop en route and we hope to be back in Formby before 20.00hrs.

Because of the lower attendances recently we are having to restrict the numbers of this and next month to one coach, unless the returned letters give over 70 walkers, so get your letters in early. Also there are only 3 walks this month so I expect to see some of the B+ walkers on the A- ! If numbers pick up next season then we will reconsider the coach situation and the number of walks.

If your child is leaving school at the end of this school year and you receive your walk letters via school, then please contact the chairman to join our delivery or e-mail lists.

‘A-’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 3,000 ft
Steve McIlraith
David Wake
Bowfell from the band

Yes, an A minus walk this month, our usual A leaders not being available.
Starting from New Dungeon Ghyll, we pass through fields, along a farm track before ascending The Band on our way up to Three (actually Two and a quarter) Tarns and on to the summit of Bow Fell (902m).
From here we descend to Ore Gap, turn right and continue down to Angle Tarn.
Next comes the descent to the west of Rossett Ghyll down to the Cumbria Way, which we follow back to New Dungeon Ghyll.


‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 1,500 ft
John McEvoy
David Poole
Bowfell from Lingmoor

Starting at Skelwith Bridge, we cross the Great Langdale Beck and proceed across fields and though woodland, stopping briefly to view the the grandeur of Colwith Force before continuing along the valley to Salter Bridge.
After a relaxing coffee break we cross the river to Little Langdale and on to Dale End where we start the ascent of Lingmoor Fell.
Stopping regularly to admire the scenic beauty, we eventually reach the summit for lunch.
On our descent we take a detour over Side Pike for picturesque views of the Langdale Valley before completing our descent and final stroll to the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6 miles.
Ascent: 150ft
Steve Wright
David Turton
Bowfell from Lingmoor

Before starting our walk ,we may explore the waterfalls behind the New Dungeon Ghyll hotel and have a coffee.
We then cross Great Langdale Beck and follow a path along the valley side.
Eventually passing through woods and emerging onto the road just outside Elterwater.
We will then either follow a path skirting round the back of Elterwater or go through the village itself and pickup the path on the far side.
This path leads us along the banks of Great Langdale Beck until eventually we cross the beck and follow a track back to the New Dungeon Ghyll hotel.

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