Sunday 16 February 2003 - Clapham

This month’s Hot Pot walks are located in the Clapham area of the Pennines.

‘A’ Walk

A classic ascent of one of the finest peaks in Yorkshire is the literal and actual 'highpoint' of this walk. Starting in Clapham village (OS Outdoor Leisure 2 - 745692), we start with a gentle walk up through the grounds of Ingleborough Hall (small charge of 40p per person - please bring some change!), past the ornamental lake, Ingleborough Cave and up into the impressive limestone gorge of Trow Gill. Breaking onto the open fellside, there is an opportunity to visit the entrance to Gaping Gill - the largest underground chasm in Britain (although it has to be said you can't see that much from the surface!). From here, it is straight up the side of Ingleborough itself - a climb that we will take at a steady pace, giving plenty of time to admire the views. Good conditions provide superb views from the summit - there is even a shelter to keep out of the wind! Our route down follows the track across Simon Fell Breast to Sulber Nick. Turning towards Sulber Gate we follow the track back down Long Lane into Clapham. A superb round trip.

Distance: 10.5 miles Ascent: 1700 ft Leaders: Ken Bryning, Bob Scurr

‘B+’ Walk

Leaving Clapham by the tunnels beneath Ingleborough Hall Estate, we head east along Thwaite Lane track to join a footpath that takes us by way of the Norber erratic boulders into Crummack Dale. A good lane is then followed until we climb gradually out of Crummack Dale at its north west corner onto the limestone pavements of Moughton Scars. Continuing northwards we join the path through Sulber Nick and then turn south west back towards Clapham by way of Sulber Gate, Long Scar and Ingleborough show cave.

Distance: 9.5 miles Ascent: 1250 ft Leaders: Dave Purdy, Glennis Poole

‘B’ Walk

After initially following in the footsteps of the B+ group for a couple of miles, we strike out north east (at 772706) towards Moughton Scars, before dropping south into Wharfe. A short road walk and then footpaths through the farms of Lower Bark House and Higher Bark House, leads us to a point with excellent views of Long Scar and Moughton Scar to the north, Pen-y-ghent to the north east and, eventually, Ingleborough to the north west. For the last third of the walk we pursue the setting sun as we head back through Austwick and over undulating fields into Clapham. Weather permitting, this should be a pleasant but not over-strenuous walk and one of particular attraction to “stile baggers”.

Distance: 8 miles Ascent: 600 ft Leaders: Ray Webb,Mike Wood

‘C’ Walk

A gentle start to our walk takes us over farmland in a south easterly direction to Austwick and on to the outskirts of Feizor. Here we turn north and climb over a small hill to secure distant views of the three peaks before descending to the small hamlet of Wharfe. Next climbing steadily we continue along a narrow walled track under White Stone to reach a ford. After crossing the stream we turn to the south-west and head towards Clapham by contouring round the stony outcrop of Nappa Scars and finishing along the Thwaite Lane track.

Distance: 7 miles. Ascent: 650 ft. Leaders: Barry Whitby, Peter Houghton.