Range Walking Club
Sunday 25th November 2001-Lancashire-Beacon Fell-Chipping

This month's walks on Sunday 25 November take us to the Beacon Fell Country Park area in Central Lancashire. There will be no toilet stop on the way there but facilities are available at the Beacon Fell Visitor Centre which the A, B+ and B walks reach about 45 mins after the start of their walks. The C walk starts and all walks finish at Chipping, where toilets and refreshments are available. The ground is very wet and muddy at this time of the year and boots and possibly gaiters are essential for all walks. We recommend that you have a change of clothing and footwear available at the end of the walks.

The coach will leave school at 8.00am promptly and will leave Chipping for the return journey at 17.00hours hoping to be back in Formby by 18.30 hours. The cost of travel will be £7.00 for adults and £4.00 for children and students in full time education who were formerly pupils at Range High School. Please return the slip, completed in full, with a cheque (NOT CASH), in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club", to the school office by Thursday 11th October.

There has been some difficulty in the past posting walk return forms at the school out of school hours. The letter box beside the school entrance is no longer being used. If you wish to personally deliver your return forms out of hours please deliver them to the Treasurer or David Wake.

'A' Walk
A rather pleasant walk starting near Beacon Fell Country Park. The route heads north east towards the only real climb of the day which is to the summit of Parlick Fell (432 metres). This is a very popular hill with the para gliding fraternity and on a good day the sky appears to be littered with them! From Parfick we head for Wolf Fell then descend Saddle Fell to make our way across fields and farm tracks towards Chipping and the end of the walk.

Distance: 12½ miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: Ian & Ann Mitchell

'B'+ Walk
Starting near the Visitor Centre we climb slightly to the summit of Beacon Fell from which there are extensive views. We then descend in a northerly direction to Bleasdale School. From there we cross fields to reach the wooded valley of the river Brock. We follow the river to high Brock Bridge where we turn east to head back to Beacon Fell, which involves a short but quite steep climb. We then follow field paths and minor roads to Chipping.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 650'
Leader: John Hughes

'B' Walk
Again the walk starts near the Visitor Centre and ascends to the top of Beacon Fell. We then head west down the steepish hill climbed by the B+ walk. From here we follow in reverse direction part of the B+ walk, along the river Brock to Gill Barn Wood, east then south through fields passing below Parlick Hill and past a gliding dub to Chipping.

Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 550'
Leaders: John Rothwell & Dave Luty

'C' Walk
We leave Chipping in south easterly direction, heading to Pale Farm and on to Gibbon Bridge (freshly baked cakes here for sale!). Continuing eastwards to Loud Mytharn Bridge we change direction to northwards and travel over fields and along tracks to Knot Barn and thence back to Chipping via Leagram Hall Farm. This is a "stilish" walk through farming countryside.

Distance: 6¾ miles
Ascent: 400'
Leader: Phil Morgan