Range Walking Club
Sunday 26 May 2002 - Welsh Borders

This month’s walks on Sunday 26 May will be in the Welsh Border country. All walks start and finish at Church Stretton where there are adequate toilet facilities and in order to minimise journey time, THERE WILL BE NO TOILET STOP ON THE OUTWARD OR RETURN JOURNEY. The coach will leave school at 8.00 am prompt and will leave Church Stretton for the return journey at 17.00 hours hoping to be back in Formby by 19.30 hours.

The cost of travel will be £7.00 for adults and £4.00 for children and students in full time education who were formerly pupils at Range High School. Please return the slip, completed in full, with a cheque (NOT CASH), in an envelope marked “Range Walking Club”, to the school office by Thursday 16 May If you wish to personally deliver your return forms out of hours please deliver them to the Treasurer at 26 Bushby’s Lane or David Wake at 5a Dickinson Close, Formby.

David Wake

A Walk – “ A sting in the tail”

Heading north west we ascend across the golf course and Haddon Hill to the Long Mynd ridge. Lunch on the high point of Pole Bank (circ 1700’) is followed by a steady descent across Minton Hill to Minton. After crossing the A49 we have a steep climb over Ragleth Hill to Church Stretton.

Distance: 13 miles: Ascent: 2300 ft Leaders :Merion Williams, Gordon Spencer

B+ Walk - ”Caradock and The Long Mynd”

Crossing the A49, we climb Caradock Hill and visit Three Fingers Rock. Crossing the A49 again, we have a pleasant afternoon on the Long Mynd before returning to Church Stretton.

Distance: 10 miles Ascent: 2000 ft Leaders: Rick Tynan, Dave Miles

B Walk – “Church Stretton - Across The Long Mynd”

As the coach approaches Church Stretton, the Long Mynd appears to rear up like some mini-Everest, but don’t panic, this walk is well within the capabilities of all “B” walkers. We leave Church Stretton heading up the (National Trust’s) Carding Mill valley (time for a coffee break), before starting a steady ascent across the golf course and around Haddon Hill to the “plateau”. From then on it’s very gentle terrain and after lunch, hopefully at the summit, a smooth descent to Little Stretton with beautiful views most of the way. The last half hour is on a road through fields back to Church Stretton. There are toilets at the start of the walk and cafes/pubs at the finish.

Distance: 9 miles Ascent: 1100 ft Leaders: Ginny and David Willis

C Walk – “Caradock and Three Fingers Rock”

Starting at Church Stretton, we cross the A49 and head south east towards Hazler Hill. Turning north-east we skirt Hazler Hill and Helmeth Hill and make our way to Willstone. Here we turn south-west and follow a well defined track which gives us fine views of Caradock Hill Passing between Three Fingers Rock and Helmeth Hill (the other side) we return to Church Stretton. The walk involves three separate climbs and several rather high stiles. It may be very muddy in places, especially after rain.

Distance: 6 miles Ascent: 650 ft Leaders: Dave Griffiths, Stuart Norris