Range Walking Club
Sunday 30 June 2002 - Kirkby Lonsdale

The walks this month take us to the Kirkby Lonsdale area on Sunday 30th June; an area not frequented by the club in the past but containing some very pleasant walks which will not disappoint you. All walks finish at Devils Bridge where there are toilet facilities and a sandwich bar. Kirkby Lonsdale is only a stones throw away if you would like to look around the town. A toilet stop will be made at Forton Services M6 on the outward journey.

The cost of travel will be £7.00 for adults and £4.00 for children and students in full time education who were formerly pupils at Range High School. Please return the slip, completed in full, with a cheque (NOT CASH), in an envelope marked “Range Walking Club”, to the school office by Thursday 20th June. If you wish to personally deliver your return forms out of hours please deliver them to the Treasurer at 26 Bushby’s Lane or David Wake at 5a Dickinson Close, Formby.

David Wake

A Walk

Starting North of Kirkby Lonsdale at GR874625 the first mile of the walk follows a bridle path across farm fields and a bluebell wood a nice warm up before we make the Grand tour of Middleton Fell a pleasant wilderness wander which eventually ends with a steep decent into the village of Barbon. From here the three miles or so back to Devils Bridge is across farm fields and tracks.

Distance: 13 miles: Ascent: 1500 ft .
Leader :Ian Mitchell.

B+ Walk

If you enjoy a walk with a major climb then this is NOT for you, because gradients are almost unnoticed! From the site of a Roman fort, on the A643 south of Kirby Lonsdale, the route is north eastward beside the wooded Leck Beck. Further along, according to the map there is no way to cross the beck, but in practice the water disappears underground and we cross a dry river bed. The middle section of the walk travels northerly across open country, passing a series of shake holes near Bull Pot farm. The westerly third section is along wooded Barbondale to the attractive village of Barbon and the final southerly section returns to Kirby Lonsdale via a golf course and fields.

Distance: 11 miles Ascent: 1000 ft
Leaders: John Hughes and John Rothwell

B Walk

This circular walk starts and finishes at Devil's Bridge on the A683 in Kirkby Lonsdale. We head north to the village of Casterton and then continuing north to the village of Barbon where we will take our lunch stop. Hopefully the pub will be open for those who would like a drink. Returning to Kirkby Lonsdale is a pleasant series of woodlands fields and tracks.

Distance: 8 miles. Ascent: 600 ft.
Leaders: John McEvoy and Ann Mitchell.

C Walk

A pleasant mainly level walk with only one significant climb, beginning at Overburrow we progress along farm tracks and pasture to Cowan Bridge. We follow the scenic Leck Beck for some distance then by lane until we reach beautiful floral carpeted woodland thence by fields near the beck. Our climb takes us up to our lunch stop and views of a small waterfall. Beyond this we see a second series of falls and the more adventurous can look down to the gorge. Our return is by a different route to Cowan Bridge, then to Devils Bridge (finish) mainly over fields but with a short unavoidable stretch down the A65.

Distance: 7 miles. Ascent: 400 ft.
Leaders: Nikki Harrison and Linda Trollope.