Range Walking Club.
Sunday 27th January 2002-Lake District-Bowness
We thought it was all over, but the Grassington area is still affected by Foot and Mouth restrictions, therefore, this month's walks on Sunday 27 January will be in the South Lakes area between Kendal and Bowness. There will be a toilet stop on the Motorway. The ground is very wet and muddy at this time of the year and boots and possibly gaiters are essential for all walks. We recommend that you have a change of clothing and footwear available at the end of the walks. The coach will leave school at 8.00am promptly and will leave Bowness for the return journey at 17.00 hours, hoping to be back in Formby by 19.30 hours.

The cost of travel will be £7.00 for adults and £4.00 for children and students in full time education who were formerly pupils at Range High School. Please return the slip, completed in full, with a cheque (NOT CASH), in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club", to the school office by Thursday 17 January. If you wish to personally deliver your return forms out of hours please deliver them to the Treasurer or David Wake.

'A' Walk - What lies beyond?
For those of you who have ever thrashed along the Kendal by-pass to Windermere and the Lakes without ever thinking about the countryside around, this is a chance to explore the forgotten land beyond the hill!

Starting near the beautiful spot of Prizet petrol station on the by-pass (506894), we first walk across fields towards Helsington Church and then up onto Helsington Barrows and Scout Scar. Walking along the Scar, given the usual provisos, the views down across the Gilpin valley towards Underbarrow Scar are nothing less than magnificent. A clear day will also allow views of Morecambe Bay. Avoiding the 'golf course' (ask Ken), we then follow the lane down through Underbarrow village and out towards Crook. Another short climb past Mountjoy Wood brings us onto Cockhag Plantation and a slow descent through Fields and farms to Gilpin Farm on the B5284. The walk then follows parts of the Dales Way towards Bowness (with an option for those so inclined to do a short detour up Brant Fell to the lookout over the lake - not (compulsory!) The walk ends in the top of Bowness just by the Royal Oak pub - the choice clearly being more time spent going up Brant Fell, the less time spent in the bar of the Royal Oak!

Overall a very enjoyable walk in largely unexplored country, although on the reccy it was a tad damp and muddy underfoot in parts.

Distance: 12½ miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: Rob Scurr & Ken Bryning

'B'+ Walk
Starting from the main Windermere road just west of Burneside, near Kendal, we first walk the short distance to the village where we join the Dales Way. We then follow this footpath along the banks of the River Kent to Staveley. From there we continue along the picturesque Dales Way which follows an undulating route along farm tracts, minor roads and field paths, all the way to Bowness on Windermere. If Foot and Mouth restrictions are still in place, we may have to make a couple of short diversions along quite roads.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 650'
Leaders: David Purdy & Glennis Poole

'B' Walk
Starting and finishing in Bowness, this walk skirts Brant Fell and Undermill Beck Common before linking up with the Dales Way for the final leg. An attractive walk with no significant climbs, but plenty of mud to make up for it!

Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 550'
Leaders: Janet Purdy & Ray Webb

'C' Walk
Our scenic walk begins with a climb up to Orrest Head, a favourite viewpoint of Wainwright. Then it is over farmland and lanes across to The Common. Continuing now in a southerly direction, we cross the A591 road and the railway before climbing to the top of School Knott. The route then takes us to a small tarn and onto the Dales Way before heading westward to the viewpoint close to Brant Fell. Having admired the view across to Belle Isle, it is time to make our descent to Bowness and the coach.

Distance: 6¾ miles
Ascent: 400'
Leader: Barry Whitby