Range Walking Club.
Christmas Walk, 27th December 2001-Lancashire-Rufford

Our Christmas walk this year takes place on Thursday 27th December 2001 in the Rufford area. We assemble at the Rufford Arms Hotel car park (OS grid ref: 459168) at 9.15am for a 9.30 start.Using your own or shared transport to get to the Rufford Arms, take your preferred route across the moss to join the A59 which you follow northwards past Ormskirk through Burscough, Burscough Bridge and Rufford. Stay on the A59 and 1/2 mile past Rufford Old Hall (on the right) The Rufford Arms will be seen (on the right again) just before the road sign to Croston and Chorley (A581). Allow 45 minutes for the journey from Formby.

Please return the slip, completed in full, with a cheque (NOT CASH), in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club", to the school office by Thursday 6 December.

There has been some difficulty in the past posting walk return forms at the school out of school hours. The letter box beside the school entrance is no longer being used. If you wish to personally deliver your return forms out of hours please deliver them to the Treasurer or David Wake.

The Walk
The Walk takes in the canal towpath, farm tracks and fields, some road walking, Mere Sands Nature Reserve, and farm lanes.

Distance: 7 miles
Leaders: David and Carole Wake
Ascent: flat apart from over railway bridge