Range Walking Club
Sunday 28th April 2002-Peak District-Castleton

This month's walks on Sunday 28 April will be in the Peak District. All walks start and finish at Castleton where there are adequate toilet facilities and in order to minimise journey time, THERE WILL BE NO TOILET STOP EN ROUTE. All walks can be followed on OS map Outdoor Leisure No 1 (Dark Peak Area). The ground is very wet and muddy at this time of the year and boots and possibly gaiters are essential for all walks. The coach will leave school at 8.00 am prompt and will leave The Castleton for the return journey at about 17.30 hours hoping to be back in Formby by 20.00 hours.

The cost of travel will be £7.00 for adults and £4.00 for children and students in full time education who were formerly pupils at Range High School. Please return the slip, completed in full, with a cheque (NOT CASH), in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club", to the school office by Thursday 18 April If you wish to personally deliver your return forms out of hours please deliver them to the Treasurer or David Wake.

At the AGM the cost of the coach hire was discussed. We are losing money on this and it was agreed that rather than put up the cost of travel we would re introduce the annual membership subscription. This will take place before the September walk and will be £5 per adult, £10 per couple (the maximum any family will have to pay) and no charge for children. It was also agreed that provided that space is available on the coaches, a limited number of friends of members would be welcome at a travel cost of £10 each.

'A' Walk.
From Castleton good paths are used to walk north-eastwards via Losehill Farm and the Roman Road to the access point at GR 158879. From there the route heads west to the plateau trig point (5%M) at GR 129878 and then descends into Edale and possible liquid refreshment at a local hostlery! Suitably fortified, the return to Castleton is via Hoffins Cross and Losehill.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 2250'
Leaders: Rob Scurr & AN Other

'B'+ Walk
From the main car park in Castleton, the walk follows good tracks via Losehill Hall, Spring House Farm, Losehill Farm, Townhead and Oaker Farm to the Edale road at GR 162863, Continuing north, a delightful concessionary path leads through woodland to the head of Jagger's Clough. Turning SW towards Nether Booth we can enjoy extensive views down the Vale of Edale, At Backtor Bridge the main climb of the day starts to reach Hollin's Cross and eventually Mam Tor. Having done all the heard work, the downhill return to Castleton is south via Windy Knoll and then north-east down beautiful Cave Dale, passing beneath Peveril Castle.

Distance: 10½ miles
Ascent: 1850'
Leaders: Glennis Poole & Dave Purdy

'B' Walk
From the carpark we make our way to the entrance of Cave Dale just near the ruined Peveril Castle. Initially steep-sided and stony underfoot, we walk the full length of this beautiful dale. On leaving the dale we head first westwards and then northwards to make our way across to the ridge overlooking the Vale of Edale. Now, weather permitting, we will take the opportunity to walk the whole of this panoramic ridge from Man Tor to Losehill before returning to the coach via Losehill Farm, Riding House Farm and Losehill Hall. This walk involves quite a lot of ascent but there is sufficient time to take it at a leisurely pace.

Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 1400'
Leaders: Barry Whitby & Peter Houghton

'C' Walk
The walk begins at Castleton with a long gradual ascent to Hollin's Cross with extensive views northwards into beautiful Edale. Turning east, we make our way to Lose Hill either by Barker Bank or Back Tor depending upon weather conditions as Back Tor is quite exposed. We then start the gentle descent to Losehill Farm and the village of Hope where there are tea rooms, shops and pubs. Fully refreshed we wind our way along Peakshole Water back to Castleton, At Castleton there are numerous shops, tea rooms and pubs and the more energetic may like to climb up to Peveril Castle or try the town Trail-copies of which will be available to C walkers.

Distance: 6½ miles
Ascent: 800'
Leaders: Janet Purdy & Ray Webb