Range Walking Club
Sunday 24th September 2000, Yorkshire-Malham.

The first walks of the season take us into the beautiful Yorkshire Dales, always a pleasurable day out. We are off to the Malham area on Sunday 24 September which should provide an excellent opener to our 2000/2001 season. We leave school as usual at 08. 00 prompt and journey via the M6 and M65 to the drop off point for the B+ walk at Thornton-in-Craven and onwards to Gargrave and Malhamdale. The journey is relatively short so there will be no toilet stops en route. These facilities are available at the start of all walks except the B+ (please see notes on this walk regarding alternative arrangements). All walks finish at Malham where there are cafes and pubs for refreshments. We intend to be back at school by 19.30 hours. Cost of travel remains at £7.00 for adults and £4.00 for children and students in full time education who were formerly pupils at Range High School.
Please return slips completed in full, with Cheques (NOT CASH) to the school office by THURSDAY 14 SEPTEMBER in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club".

'A' Walk
A chance to burn off some of the summer excess with a delightful two-way crossing of high limestone country between Malhamdale and Littondale. Starting in Malham (toilets available), we walk via the river and woods to quickly reach the waterfall at Janet's Foss, a well-trod tourist path. An easy scrabble (Rob's words not mine!) up Gordale Scar beside the cascading Gordale Beck takes us above the limestone and on towards Malham Tarn. At Street Gate (Ref 905657) we head north east over High Cote Moor, a moderate climb with views ahead of Great Whernside and Buckden Pike, before dropping into Arncliffe Cote in Littondale. A pleasant walk along the river Skirfare brings us to the village of Arncliffe and a chance to visit "The Falcon" one of few pubs to serve beer from the jug (beware the journey back!). A short sharp climb takes us back on the opposite side of the moor above Yew Cogar Scar and the Monks road to Street Gate again, before dropping back down the road to Malham.

Distance: 16½ miles
Ascent: 1750'
Leaders: Ken Bryning and Rob Scurr

'B'+ Walk
This easy B+ walk will get your legs working again for the new walking season by following the Pennine Way Northwards from our starting point at Thornton-in-Craven to Malham via East West Marton, Gargrave, Airton and Kirkby Malham.

Please note, there are no toilet facilities at the start of this walk, but we have arranged to call at a delightful canal side coffee shop just over one mile into the walk where there are toilets. (Glennis recommends the carrot cake!!) A gentle, relaxing walk through "undulating farmlands with contented cows on low green hills" (A. Wainwright)

Distance: 11½ miles
Ascent: 1000' max (in small amounts)
Leaders: Dave Purdy and Glennis Poole

'B' Walk
We leave the coach at the village of Airton and follow the River Aire up stream to Hanlith Hall. Now heading in a north-easterly direction we climb steadily along Windy Pike Lane, across Hanlith Moor to reach Weets Top and panoramic views all around. From here we descend first to Hawthorns Lane and then Gordale Bridge. A short detour will allow us to view the impressive Gordale Scar before we continue to the limestone pavements above Malham Cove. Using the stepped path we descend into Cove and then follow the beck back to Malham and the coach.

Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: Peter and Ann Houghton

'C' Walk
This is a pleasant walk along the Pennine Way visiting villages along the route. Starting at the village of Gargrave we visit the White Cottage Tea Room for morning coffee before commencing the gentle climb over Eshton Moor with views of the surrounding countryside. At the end of the moorland section we drop down to the River Aire and follow its course visiting the attractive Quaker Village of Airton. At Hanlith we make a small detour to the village of Kirkby Malham to visit the "Victoria Inn". We then return to the riverside path, walking east to the waterfall "Janet's Foss" before a gentle stroll into Malham village.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 600'
Leaders: Carole Bryning and Janet Purdy