Range Walking Club
Sunday 22nd October 2000, peak District-Hartington.

Well, we hope you have dried out from last month's horrendous conditions and that your experience then will not deter you from coming regularly on our trips. It was very heartening to have the coaches fully booked and we hope this is the pattern for the coming season.

Now, where are we off to this month? The walks are to be held in the beautiful Peak District Park on Sunday 22 October and represent a variable choice for all attendees. We leave school at the usual time of 08.00 hrs and hope to be back by 19.30 hrs. Toilet facilities are available prior to the walks and after in Hartington where refreshments are available at the end of the day. Cost of travel remains at £7.00 for adults and £4.00 for children and students in full time education and who were formerly pupils at Range High School.

The membership scheme has proved very popular with over 140 enrolments and with more in the pipeline, so early booking is recommended. All outstanding membership fees must be submitted this month. Please complete the slip for the trip carefully and return, where appropriate with membership fees, (together with fully completed membership application form) with Cheque (NOT CASH) to the school office by THURSDAY 12 OCTOBER in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club".

All walks start and finish in Hartington where there are all the usual facilities. Boots are necessary on all walks.

'A' Walk
Leaving Hartington we stroll along Beresford and Wolfscote Dales to the Peaseland Rocks and then through Dovedale, past Mildale to llam Rock where we make a short steep ascent to Air cottage. On our way to Wetton, we go through rolling hills with good views of the surrounding area. Walking past Wetton Hill and several farms, we make our way to Hartington.

Distance: 13½ miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Adrian Simmons and John Roberts

'B+' Walk
The route makes its way south westwards from Hartington across fields to join the Manifold track near Ecton. This footpath created from the disused Leek and Manifold Light Railway follows the Manifold river through wooded valleys and lanes to Wetton Mill, then limestone cliffs and Thor Cave. The route then takes us eastwards to Wetton and north across the flank of Wetton Hill and into Narrowdale. From here an easy walk takes us back to Hartington.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: Barry Bord and Steve Mcllraith

'B' Walk
From Hartington the route is south through fields to the woods at Pike Pool on the river Dove and on through fields climbing gently through Narrowdale then more fields and stiles to Alstonefield. Crossing more fields leads to a short steep descent to Milidale. A zig zag climb from here leads northwards before descending gently to Lode Mill Bridge and the river Dove. A well-defined path follows the river through Wolfscote Dale and back to Hartington.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 850'
Leaders: Steve Wright and David Wake

'C' Walk
A pleasant, if occasionally muddy walk, from Hartington south to Alstonefield, returning alongside the banks of the River Dove. We leave Hartington on a good footpath, rising gently across farmland, before entering woodland alongside the River Dove. We then gently ascend across moorland before arriving at Alstonfield, where The George Inn offers refreshments. Leaving Alstonefield, we soon make a short grassy descent to cross the River Dove. A good path then follows the riverbanks, passing through woodland and picturesque dales, before returning to Hartington and its facilities.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 500'
Leaders: David Turton and David Daniels