Range Walking Club
Sunday 13th May 2001, Lake District-Kendal, Hot Pot Supper.

The best laid plans have once again gone astray. The ongoing Foot and Mouth restrictions have forced us to think again. I am anxious to retain interest in the club and look for your support to keep things moving along. We have decided to go ahead with the hot pot supper at the Derby Arms on Sunday 13th May 2001 and to have a day out in Kendal beforehand.

Ray Webb is organising a pedestrian Treasure Hunt* in Kendal which has some 40 or 50 clues to be answered. (*Don't forget to bring a pen/pencil!) There will be a small prize awarded at the hot pot supper for the person or group with the most correct answers.

As an alternative, there will also be a walk around the town visiting and looking at buildings and features of interest. This is approximately 4 miles and is scheduled to take up to 4 hours. The day will be spent mainly in the town so boots for once are not essential but waterproofs may be!

The coach will leave school at 9.30 am to arrive in Kendal at approximately 11.00 am . Take a packed lunch or avail yourself of the lunch facilities in Kendal. The coach will leave the coach park at 3.15 pm to arrive at The Derby Arms at Thornley before 4,30 pm. We expect to leave The Derby Arms at about 6.30 pm and arrive back in Formby by 8.00pm.