Range Walking Club.
Sunday 21st January 2001, Lancashire-Ramsbottom,

Welcome to 2001 and a Happy New Year to you all.
Our first walk of the year is on Sunday 21 January and is in the Ramsbottom area of Lancashire for the older members amongst us the town where a certain comedian took his name in the 1940's and includes sections of the Irwell Valley Way and Rossendale Way. There will be a toilet stop at Birch Services on the M62 on the way out. It is likely to be wet underfoot therefore WALKING BOOTS ARE ESSENTIAL. We will leave school at 08.00 hrs prompt and hope to return by 18.30 hrs. The cost of travel is £7.00 for adults and £4.00 for children and students in full time education and who were formerly Range High School pupils. Please complete and return the slip together with cheque (NOT CASH) to the school by Friday 12 January 2001 in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club".

Please note, the B+, B and C walks all start in Ramsbottom.

'A' Walk
Starting at Hawkshaw, we join the Witton Weavers Way at Turton Bottom and walk alongside Wayoh Reservoir. From Wayoh Bridge we travel up the valley of Broadhead Brook and reach Musden Head Moor and the Rossendale Way which we follow across Holcombe Moor to the Peel Tower above our destination, Ramsbottom.

Distance: 11½ miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: John Roberts and Adrian Simmons

'B+' Walk
Leaving Ramsbottom in a northerly direction along the Irwell Walley Way, we soon pick up the Rossendale Way which we follow gently, ascending in a easterly direction. Passing through Turn we take the Coal Road now in a northerly direction to the high point of the day, beneath Whittle Pike. Continuing northwards, we pass Waugh's Well before gently descending westerly along Sandy Beds Lane to Irwell Wale Railway Station where we and the B Walk follow the Irwell Valley Way back to Ramsbottom.

Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1050'
Leaders: David Poole and David Wake

'B' Walk
Leaving Ramsbottom in a south-easterly direction, we gradually ascent to Grant's Tower (75Oft), the only significant climb of the day. After admiring the panoramic view, we continue northwards along undulating tracks and country lanes which makes for pleasant walking with good conditions underfoot,even after the torrential rain of late, Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the return to Ramsbottom along the attractive riverside path (Irwell Valley Way), which was very muddy on the day of the recce.

Distance: 8¾ miles
Ascent: 850'
Leaders: Steve Wright and John McEvoy

'C' Walk
We'll Lead you "All the way to paradise" (actually in Lancashire), from Ramsbottom we cross the river Irwell and make our way through Nuttal Park, passing a waterfall, we climb steadily to harden Moor and finally reach Paradise for lunch, a short climb takes us up to the Rossendale Way, Fecit Lane and the Coal road to Turn, then down to the Irwell Valley Way and back to Ramsbottom.

Distance: 6½ miles
Ascent: 650'
Leaders: David Turton and John McKay