Range Walking Club
Sunday 26th September 1999 - Yorkshire - Skipton

I hope you all had a good summer break and are now looking forward to resuming our strolls(?) in various parts of the country during the coming months. We start on Sunday, 26 September in the Skipton area of Yorkshire - always a place to enjoy the countryside. As usual the coaches leave school at 0800 hrs prompt proceeding directly to Skipton for a toilet stop (where a 10p charge is levied on both males and females). The 'B' walk will start here. The 'A' and 'B'+ parties will reboard one coach, the 'C' party the other, to be taken to their respective starting points. All walks finish in Skipton where there are plenty of teashops and pubs. The coaches will leave Skipton by 1730 hrs and arrive back at school by 1930 hrs. The cost of travel remains at £7.00 for adults and £4.00 for children and students in full-time education who were formerly pupils of Range High School. Please return slips with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 16 September in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club".

'A' Walk
Starting from Bolton Abbey we follow the Dales Way through woods alongside the River Wharfe. At Barden Bridge we leave the river and go through Nelly Park Wood before crossing Burnsall and Thorpe Fells. Turning south along Cracoe and Hall Fells we make our way back to Skipton via Embsay Moor Reservoir.

Distance: 14 miles 
Ascent: 1500' (460m) 
Leaders: Margaret Pegg and Adrian Simmons

'B'+ Walk
Starting from the A59 (GR 012526) we head north under the steam railway to Embsay and Eastby then up a green lane onto Embsay Moor. Moorland tracks lead us gently up to High Crag then west across Barden Fell to the turf roofed bothies used by grouse shooters. From here we head south, dropping steeply to Embsay Reservoir then by field paths around Embsay towards Skipton. The final stretch is through Skipton Castle Woods, with spectacular views of the castle, past the moat and watermill into Skipton.

Distance: 11 miles 
Ascent: 1300' (410m) 
Leaders. David Wake and David Poole

'B' Walk
Starting from the coach park in Skipton we climb gradually in a south westerly direction to Standard Crag (360m) enjoying good views in all directions (weather permitting). Continuing over undulating countryside we pass Cocklick Hill and gradually descend over farmland to High Farnhill. We follow a minor road for ½ mile, cross the Leeds-Liverpool Canal and continue on to the River Aire. The route back to Skipton is a gentle meander along the banks of the river.

Distance: 9½ miles 
Ascent: 800' (245m) 
Leaders: John McEvoy and Barry Bord
'C' Walk
Starting at the lodge to Thorlby Hall, a short ride out of Skipton, we head north and west across fields to the woods below Sharp Haw. We then follow the woodland track eventually dropping down to Flasby. From here we make our way to the bridle way leading to the Grassington road which takes us between Flasby Fell and Sharp Haw before we walk down to Skipton by field paths and lanes.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 700' (210m)
Leaders: John McKay and David Turton