Range Walking Club
Sunday November 21st 1999 - Trough of Bowland - Slaidburn

The walks on Sunday, 21 November 1999 are centred on a beautiful area of Lancashire, namely Slaidburn. The coaches will leave school at 0800 hrs prompt and should return there by 1900 hrs. There will be no toilet stop on the outward journey as such facilities are available shortly after the start of each walk. The cost of travel is £7.00 for adults and £4.00 for children and for students in full time education who were formerly pupils at Range High School. Please return slips with cheques (NOT CASH) to the school office by Thursday, 11 November in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club".

'A' Walk
An unusual 'A' walk - it is very nearly in a straight line! - and does not feature huge climbs. However, there will be a lot of dampness underfoot. Starting at Clitheroe (good for those who like an early start to the day) we join the Ribble Way at Brungerley Bridge (740427). A pleasant stroll through Sculpture Park by the banks of the Ribble leads us to Bradford Bridge where we follow fields through West Bradford. We then take a path through Drakehouse Wood, emerging near Sinpshey Hill. A gentle climb through Grindleton Fell Forest leads to the high point of the day - Easington Fell (731487). We then make a wandering descent via Broadhead and Harrop Hall to eventually arrive in Slaidburn and to the "Hark to Bounty" for refreshment.

Distance: 11½ miles
Ascent: 1050'
Leaders: Ken Bryning and Bob Scurr

'B'+ Walk
This is a circular walk around Stocks Reservoir, starting and finishing in Slaidburn. After leaving the car park we walk in a generally north-easterly direction along good tracks to the beautiful Hammerton Hall and on to a small chapel on a minor road at the edge of Gisburn Forest. We then follow forest paths around the north-eastern edge of the reservoir, possibly stopping briefly at a hide to view the wild birds there. Our walk continues north-westwards to New House where, if we are lucky, we shall be able to take a shortcut down to the river Hodder to cross by stepping stones. If the water level in the river is too high we shall have to make a one-mile detour to cross at Lock Bridge instead. The path back on the other side of the reservoir mainly uses the trackbed of an old railway and so is fairly level but could be muddy in places. Near the dam we join the road for a short way to reach Shay House Farm and from there it is a pleasant walk over fields to return to Slaidburn. Although there are only a few short stretches of climb throughout the walk, there is the possibility of extensive and changing views all day.

Distance: 10½ (or 11½) miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Glennis Poole and Dave Purdy

'B' Walk
Walking north out of Slaidburn we leave the road at Parrock Head and cross fields to the Laythams and Burn House. We then follow the farm track skirting moorland and enter attractive woodland before reaching Beatrix. The path then crosses fields to the banks of the River Hodder where we enter Dunsop Bridge for lunch on the green (bring extra sandwiches for the hungry ducks!). The telephone box here is unique - why? We then follow the river to Burholme and tackle the gradual climb over Fielding Clough with views of the Hodder Valley descending to Giddy Bridge and follow the river to Newton and thence Slaidburn. This is a varied walk with extensive views. Be prepared for numerous stiles and bog hopping.

Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 700'
Leaders: Janet Purdy and Ray Webb

'C' Walk
Our walk consists of a series of gentle ups and downs and explores the scenic countryside around Slaidburn. The circular route takes us via Langcliff Cross, Skelshaw, Easington, Newton, Crawshaw and Pain Hill. The walk, mainly over farmland, includes muddy gate openings, a stream to ford, a variety of stiles to climb over and livestock, including llamas, to avoid.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 750'
Leaders: Barry Whitby and Peter Houghton