Range Walking Club
Sunday March 19th 2000 - Yorkshire - Ingleton

This next month's walks, on Sunday, 19 March, take us into the Yorkshire Dales, a beautiful part of the country at any time but especially so in springtime. The walks are around the area of Ingleton where all will finish and where toilets and plenty of refreshment opportunities are available. The coaches-will leave school at 0800 hrs prompt and should be back in Formby by 1930 hrs. There will be a stop at Forton Services on the outward journey but this MUST be regarded as a toilet stop only. The cost of travel is £7.00 for adults and £4.00 for children and for students in full time education who were formerly pupils at Range High School. Please return slips with cheques (NOT CASH) to the school office by Thursday, 9 March in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club"
Boots are essential at this time of the year.

'A' Walk
This is a walk of paradoxes-in the heart of the "Three Peaks" but not climbing any of them, and in the Yorkshire Dales but climbing the highest peak in Lancashire! We have devised a variable and quiet walk through largely unexplored areas. Starting at Cowan Bridge (635765) we follow lanes and tracks through the hamlet of Leck and walk up Leck Beck to Easegill Kirk. A steady climb up on to the top of Gragareth (627m-688796) via the famous Three Men cairns then follows. Given good weather we should have excellent views of at least three counties from here. Dropping steeply down into Kingsdale, we take lunch at Yordas' Cave where there will be an opportunity to explore this impressive cavern (bring a good torch). The hard work over, we take a lovely walk out of Kingsdale rising slowly towards Twisleton Scar before descending into Ingleton.

Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 2000'
Leaders: Ken Bryning and Bob Scurr

'B'+ Walk
Starting at Clapham village, we avoid spoiling the view from the windows of Ingleborough Hall by walking through tunnels under the estate's grounds. Climbing gradually northwards along "Long Lane" brings us to Long Scar Cairn (GR 765718) from which we can see our objective, Ingleborough, and also distant Pen-y-Ghent. Continuing northeast, level grassy paths beside limestone pavements lead us to Sulber Nick where we turn northwest on good paths to eventually reach Ingleborough's summit plateau (2373'). Given good weather, we should see the Howgills, Whernside and the Lakes mountains. Descending very steeply at first from the plateau on well-built steps we head for our final destination, Ingleton, 3 miles away by way of Crina Bottom and Fell Lane track.

Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 1850'
Leaders: Dave Purdy and Glennis Poole

'B' Walk
Our walk consists of two loops. The first explores the farmland to the northwest of Ingleton and takes us via Westhouse Farm, Fell Side and Thornton Hall. After lunch we will complete the whole of the "Ingleton Waterfalls Walk" with its series of scenic waterfalls set in the wooded glens of the Rivers Twiss and Doe. As the route is fairly strenuous with many steps it will be taken at a leisurely pace. Part of the walk is on private land and so there is a small entrance fee of £1.00 for adults and 50p for children. The club will pay the fee for children.

Distance: 8¾ miles
Ascent: 950'
Leaders: Barry Whitby and Peter Houghton

'C' Walk
Disembarking at Clapham we head northwesterly along country lanes through Newby (728701) to Goat Gap Inn where there should be an opportunity for a warming drink and teacake or crumpet for those of that persuasion. Continuing in the same direction, we cross Old Road at Slatenber before striking out northeasterly to pick up Fell Lane in the foothills of Ingleborough. A sprint(!) north takes us to Falls (706747) before descending to Ingleton via Oddies Lane. Those with more robust knees than at least one of the leaders may take the scenic route to Ingleton via Royal Falls and Baxengill. There may be a small charge for this section (£1) and the children's fee will be met from club funds.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 800'
Leaders: Janet Purdy and Ray Webb