Range Walking Club.
Christmas Walk December 28th 1999 - Lancashire - Tarleton

The Christmas Walk this year will take place on Tuesday, 28 December 1999 and will be around the Tarleton area based at The Cock and Bottle pub in Tarleton. To get to Tarleton follow the A565 from Southport towards Preston. At the traffic lights at the junction of the A59 turn left and follow the road into Tarleton where the Cock and Bottle is 250 yards down on the right, opposite the shops. Parking is allowed in the pub car park as well as in the car park near the shops opposite. Toilets will be available at the pub before setting off. Boots are essential as some field paths will be very muddy unless there has been a hard frost overnight.

The walk will start at 0930 hrs prompt from the pub car park. We will follow footpaths, lanes, a canal towpath, a river bank path, woodland lanes and drives, cross the River Douglas and muddy fields and cross the A59 four times. We will visit the attractive village of Sollom and the historic Bank Hall before returning along the canal towpath to Tarleton and lunch.

Leaders: David Poole, David and Carole Wake. Distance: 7 miles of flat walking

If numbers are similar to those of last year then the group will be split in two and one group will do the walk in the reverse direction.

We have arranged for private dining facilities for lunch should the numbers attending meet expectations. There will be a limit of 70 places available for these facilities so early returns of booking slips is recommended. We have negotiated a price for the main courses which shows no increase over that paid two years ago. All main meals will cost £5.50 per head. Please indicate on the attached form the number of people requiring each menu item and return the slip with a CHEQUE duly signed and made payable to "Range Walking Club" by Thursday, 9 December 1999.

Although only a short drive (approximately 40 minutes) to the Cock and Bottle, car sharing would be helpful so as to minimise the number of parking spaces used at the pub.

The next club outing is on Sunday 23 January 2000 and takes us to the Arnside/Silverdale area of Lancashire.

Happy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year to all members.

Yours sincerely

Phil, Dave and Syb