Range Walking Club
Sunday 28th September 1997- North Lake District-Borrowdale
The first outing of the new walk season is on Sunday, 28 September and takes us to Borrowdale in the north Lake District. There is a choice of four walks all finishing in Seatoller except for the 'C' walk which will finish in Rosthwaite but will be brought back to Seatoller by coach where refreshment and toilet facilities are available. Coaches will leave school at 0800 hrs prompt and return by 2030 hrs approximately. A short toilet stop will be made on the outward journey at Tebay services on the M6. The cost of travel is £6.00 for adults and £3.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slips with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 18 September, in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club". Walking boots are essential for all walks.
'A' Walk
Starting at the car park at Seatoller, we walk along the road SW for approximately one mile to Seathwaite Slabs where we start our ascent of Green Gable (2527') and on to Great Gable (2949'), the highest point of the day. From here we descend to Sty Head then on to Sprinkling Tarn after which we start the ascent of Allen Crags (2572') continuing on to Glaramara (2560'). We then descend via Hind Gill to Seathwaite and return to Seatoller.
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 4200'
Leaders: Ann and Ian Mitchell
'B'+ Walk
Starting at Seatoller (GR 244138) we follow the road to Seathwaite Bridge. We then walk beside the river before beginning the ascent to Styhead Tarn via Taylorgill Force. This involves a small amount of scramble but the waterfall is an impressive sight. We then head south-east passing Sprinkling Tarn and beneath the crags of Great End. Next we go over Allen Crags (2572') to Glaramara (2560'). From Glaramara we descend via Thornthwaite Fell to the road to lead us back to Seatoller. Even under unfavourable conditions the views up Borrowdale to Derwent Water and Keswick are magnificent.
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 2800'
Leaders: Arthur Jones and Meirion Williams
'B' Walk
This is a lovely, varied walk with Derwentwater in view for much of the way. It is a strenuous 'B' walk and towards the end there is a steep descent through trees which will be slippy if it is wet. We start in Keswick with a promenade up the high street! From Keswick we ascend Walla Crag where we will pause to take in the fabulous view. A gentle descent with Derwentwater on our right takes us to Ashness Bridge from where we follow the beck to Watendlath. Leaving Watendlath we climb again, up to Dock Tarn. The way here is likely to be wet in places but at all times picturesque and well worth the effort. The descent is, as already mentioned, steep - we will take it slowly. A level final section, taking in the River Derwent, takes us into Seatoller. Hard work for a 'B' walk - but well worth it
Distance: l0½ miles
Ascent: 1300'
Leaders: John Hughes and John Rothwell
'C' Walk
A delightful walk to start off the new season; it includes woodland, riverside, moorland and some of Lakeland's "Calendar Views". We begin just below Walla Crag (272217) and slowly ascend on to it where the views are very pleasant indeed. We continue southwards to Ashness Bridge and then on to Watendlath where there is the possibility of tea and scones (time and "being open" permitting). We then continue south. westward to Rosthwaite and to the awaiting coach. It is not the longest walk we have ever done, but it is among the highest in total ascent There are three ascents. The first, and longest, at 650' is very early in the walk. All will be taken at an easy pace. There are no difficult areas and the quality of this walk is worth all the effort.
Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 1300'
Leaders: Nickie Harrison and Phil Morgan