Range Walking Club
Sunday 23rd November 1997-Yorkshire-Horton in Ribblesdale
The walks on Sunday, 23 November centre on Horton-in-Ribblesdale (GR 808725). As usual coaches will leave school at 0800 hrs prompt and there will be a short toilet stop at Ingleton. All walks finish at Horton in-Ribblesdale where toilet and refreshment facilities are available. We plan to start the return journey no later than 1700 hrs and should be back in Formby by 1915 hrs. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COACHES ON THE OUTWARD JOURNEY WILL GO SEPARATE WAYS FROM INGLETON SO IT WOULD HELP IF 'A' AND 'B+' WALKERS ARRANGE TO HAVE SEATING ON SEPARATE COACHES ON THE OUTWARD JOURNEY. The cost of travel is £6.00 for adults and £3.00 for children and students in full-time education and who were formerly Range High School pupils. Please return slips with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 13 November, in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club". Walking boots are essential for all walks
'A' Walk
Starting at the Ribblehead Viaduct we make the long looping ascent of Whernside, the highest of the famous 'Yorkshire Three Peaks' at 2419'. The descent from here takes us to the Hill Inn (GR 743777) but it would be unwise to partake of their liquid refreshments as the steep ascent of Ingleborough (2372') awaits. Retracing our steps from the summit of the latter, we take the descent route along Sulber Nick to the finish. A classic two peaks walk and, given favourable conditions, some excellent views can be expected.
Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: 3000'
Leaders: Ann and Ian Mitchell
'B'+ Walk
This walk starts near Giggleswick Public School from where we make a short ascent and then follow Giggleswick Scar which affords superb views. Turning north we pass through Feizor and descend to cross the Ribble at Helwith Bridge. From here is a long climb to the summit of Pen-y-Ghent trig point (2277'), again affording fine views of the Dales. The Pennine Way provides an easy descent to the finish at Horton
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 2000'
Leaders: Gordon Spence and Dave Miles
'B' Walk
A circular walk takes the Pennine Way north out of Horton to Sell Gill Holes (second in size only to Gaping Gill). A delightful walk to Old Ing follows with limestone scars on the right and the fertile Ribble Valley on the left. Turning southwest we cross the Ribble and visit Alum Pot (nominal entrance fee) before turning south to complete the circle.
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 500'
Leaders: Keith Ellard and Dave Wake
'C' Walk
A pleasant walk that gets better the further we go. We start at Horton and follow the riverside path south. Crossing the Settle - Carlisle railway line, we continue to the boundary of Foredale Quarry for coffee. We skirt the two great parts of this quarry before turning west along roads, under what is left of Moughton Nab, towards the charming hamlet of Wharfe (cottage sign 1WM 1726) beyond which we will have lunch and splendid views. We continue along an enclosed way, White Stone Lane, heading north into little known Crumackdale Valley, inaccessible by car, with limestone escarpments forming a natural arena. At the end of the valley, after a slow climb to the summit, we will rest and enjoy the views. Then, surrounded by limestone pavements, we eventually meet the 3-Peaks route winding east back down to Horton.
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 500
Leaders: Dave Willis and Ed McCluskey