Range Walking Club
Sunday 15th March 1998 - Macclesfield

The next walk is on Sunday, 15 March and takes us to Tegg's Nose Country Park just east of Macclesfield where all walks start and finish. Toilet facilities are available at the finish but refreshments are not, so please bring your own if required. The area contains some fine walks and views of the Cheshire plain and beyond are exceptional given good conditions. There will be a short toilet stop at Knutsford Services (M6) on the outward journey. As usual, the coaches will leave school at 0800 hrs prompt returning to Formby by 2100 hrs approximately. The cost of travel is £6.00 for adults and £3.00 for children and students in full-time education and who were formerly Range High School pupils. Please return slips with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 5 March, in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club".

'A' Walk
We start at Tegg's Nose Country Park (961733) and pass through the old quarry to descend past Tegg's Nose to the reservoirs at Langley. Next we follow a road for about a mile through the Macclesfield Forest, before beginning the ascent of Shutlingsloe (976695 - 1,660'). From the summit there are wide ranging views, including across to the Cat and Fiddle Inn and Shining Tor. We descend into the Wildboarclough Valley and then climb the Cumberland Track onto the moors to reach the Cat and Fiddle Inn (002719). From there we climb Shining Tor (995737 - 1,834'). Then we descend to Lamaload Reservoir (976754) before making our way via part of the Gritstone Trail back to Tegg's Nose.
Distance: 14 miles
Ascent: 2300'
Leaders: John Hughes and Arthur Jones
'B'+ Walk
From Tegg's Nose we follow the Gritstone Trail north across undulating fields and a short, sharp climb to reach the 'White Nancy' Monument which overlooks the village of Bollington. From here the route continues north east to Brink Farm where free range hen and duck eggs are for sale if anybody is interested. The route then turns south along a series of intricately connected paths passing the Lamaload Reservoir before returning to Tegg's Nose.
Distance: 11½ miles
Ascent: 1700'
Leaders: Ann and Ian Mitchell
'B' Walk
Starting at Tegg's Nose Country Park, the walk heads northwards to the Saddle of Kerridge, a ridge with extensive views over the Cheshire plain (westward) and the Pennines (to the east). Leaving the ridge at 'White Nancy, an unusual monument, we turn eastward to Rainowlow and thence to Lamaload Reservoir via Ginclough. We now head almost due south to Macclesfield Forest Chapel, turning west here to pass through the forest and back to the car park. There are two ways back, one with a hard climb right at the end, the other with a much easier approach which accounts for the difference in the ascent figures. This is a toughish walk. We can make the choice on the day!
Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 1350' or 1200'
Leaders: John Rothwell and Phil Morgan
'C' Walk
This decidedly 'lumpy' walk is a short 6½ miles to allow time for a steep descent and 3 inclines to be taken at an easy pace. The walk starts with a stroll up to the viewpoint at Tegg's Nose, followed by a careful, long, descent as the grassy slopes could be slippery if wet. This behind us, we enjoy an easy walk round the reservoirs to our first coffee break outside a pub! Thus fortified, we tackle a long, gradual ascent through Macclesfield Forest to Ashtree Top, a steepish descent and steep ascent across open countryside, a relatively level couple of miles and a final uphill climb back to the coaches.
Distance: 6½ miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Nikki Harrison and Dave Luty