Range Walking Club
Sunday 25th January 1998 - Llangollen area of North Wales

Welcome to 1998 all of you and a happy new year to all. Our first walks of the year take us to the Llangollen area of North Wales on Sunday, 25 January. It's quite a time since the club went there last. Indeed, parts of the walks now on offer were last done in November 1982. The group once again return to Offa's Dyke footpath with all the walks, at some time, following sections of this long distance footpath. A toilet stop on the outward journey will be made at Mold. All walks finish at Llangollen where there are plenty of facilities. We will leave school at 0800 hrs prompt and coaches will leave Llangollen by 1700 hrs at the latest for the return journey. The cost of travel is £6.00 for adults and £3.00 for children and students in full-time education and who were formerly Range High School pupils Please return slips with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 15 January, in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club". Walking boots are essential for all walks.

'A' Walk
Starting at 195563 on the B5430 we walk through the village of Llanarnon-Yn-Lal before climbing up past Llyn Gweryd to meet Offa's Dyke path above Nurse Fawr. We follow the path to Llandegla, passing sites of prehistoric settlements in limestone outcrops, up through Llandegla Forest and out over Grouse Moor before turning south. The stroll into Llangollen passes World's End, the 17th Century manor house of Plas Uchaf and Castell Dinas Bran below the limestone crags of Eglwyseg mountain.
Distance: 14 miles
Ascent: 1500'
Leaders: Adrian Symonds, Margaret Pegg and John Roberts
'B'+ Walk
Starting from the A525 we cross rough moorland to pick up Offa's Dyke footpath. This emerges from the moor onto an unclassified road which we follow to World's End! Passing through a larch forest we pick up the path again at the foot of extensive scree slopes below the magnificent crags of Eglwyseg Glen. This route gradually descends to the road and track, still noted as Offa's Dyke path, which takes us to the foot of Castell Dinas Bran (13th Century). The only real climb of the day takes us up to the Castell, affording panoramic views of Llangollen and the surrounding hills and 'glens'. A gentle zig-zag descent takes us down to footpaths leading into Llangollen.
Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 700'
Leaders: David Poole and David Wake
'B' Walk
Starting in Chirk, we cross fields to follow the river Ceiriog before gradually climbing through woods to a minor road, passing the beautiful wrought iron gates of Chirk Castle. We continue across fields and lanes to join the towpath of the Llangollen Canal. Soon we reach the epitome of our walk, the Pontycysylite Aqueduct. Built by Thomas Telford, completed in 1805, this magnificent feat of engineering, 1007' long' with 19 arches, straddles the Dee Valley 126' below. Views from the aqueduct up and down the valley are breathtaking but a good head is needed to look down to the River Dee below. From the aqueduct we pick up a section of Offa's Dyke path through Trevor Hall woods, onto Panorama Walk and on to the foot of Castell Dinas Bran where the more energetic can scale the summit while the main group circumnavigate ti base. We then re-unite for the final stroll into Llangollen.
Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 700'
Leaders: John McEvoy and Barry Bord
'C' Walk
This circular walk starts from Llangollen initially following the canal towpath. After a mile or so we climb steadily past the ruins of Valle Crucis Abbey and make our way to Plan Y Eglwyseg. From here a steady climb, at a sensible pace, takes us to Offa's Dyke path and through the limestone scree with spectacular views, weather permitting! From here we make our way through fields and woods to Dinbren and on to ti foot of Castell Dinas Bran. Here the choice will be yours - climb up to the Castell for the panoramic view or skirt the lower flanks of the Castell. Both options follow the same paths back into Llangollen.
Distance: 6½ miles
Ascent: 700'
Leaders: John McKay and David Turton