Range Walking Club
Sunday 15th February 1998 - Chipping area of Bowland (Hot Pot Walk)

The Chipping area of Bowland is the venue for the February Hot Pot walks which take place on Sunday, 15th. All walks finish in Chipping where there are toilet and refreshments (if needed) before leaving on the short trip to the meal venue. The "Cobbled Corner Cafe" is prepared to open up early (0930 hrs) on the Sunday of the walks. Toilets are available at Chipping for the 'B'+, 'B' and 'C' walks and at Dunsop Bridge for the A walk. Mud - thick, glutinous and plenty of it on all walks so boots are not just essential hut mandatory A change of clothing would therefore be useful prior to going for supper. As usual, the coaches will leave school at 0800 hrs prompt returning to Formby by 2030 hrs approximately. The cost of travel is £6.00 for adults and £3.00 for children and students in full-time education and who were formerly Range High School pupils. Please return slips for travel and meals with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 5 February, in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club".

'A' Walk
semi-circular classic walk taking in some of the best scenery in Bowland and, given the visibility) some superb views. Starting at Dunsop Bridge - SD 660501 (home of BT's 100,000th pay 'phone box and the exact centre of the British Isles telephone network) - the route follows Langdon Brook to the water works intake area before ascending via Langden Castle - actually a grouse hut - to the head of Fiensdale Water at Fiensdale Head (1472'). The Bleasedale track is then followed off the fell south west to Holme House Farm, hen passing under the front of Fairsnape Fell and Parlick Fell to Fell Foot before crossing fields to Chipping.
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: Ken Bryning and Rob Scurr
'B'+ Walk
This relatively easy circular 'B'+ walk starts and finishes at Chipping. Heading north out of the village we make use of field paths, moorland tracks and a minor road to visit the countryside on the west bank of the river Hodder, passing through Windy Hill, Lickhurst Farm, Dinlding Green and Higher Fence to reach the northern limit of our route at Burholme Bridge. Crossing to the Hodder's east bank and turning south, a permissive path leads to one of 'Country Walking' magazine's top ten pubs, "The Inn at Whitewell", where, if me and clean boots allow, leaders may be persuaded?. ... Hillside paths are then taken south to Ing Wood, followed by a delightful descent to the banks of the river Hodder at Stakes. After a short climb over fields to Doeford Bridge, the walk turns west for the final, almost flat, walk into Chipping via Dairy Barn.
Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 1100'
Leaders: Dave Purdy and Glennis Poole
'B' Walk
From Chipping we head north westwards along a lane to reach a mill pond. Having viewed the ducks we walk above Dobson Brook to Windy Hill Farm and onward towards Burnslack. A moorland track then leads us across to Lickhurst Farm and onto Dinkling Green which is enclosed by limestone knolls. We continue northwards before swinging eastwards across to New Laund Hill. The rest of the walk takes us along farmland tracks through fields via Higher and Lower Greystoneley and Dairy Barn back to the start. Although a delightful walk, after wet weather expect mud and plenty of it.
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 700'
Leaders: Barry Whitby and Peter Houghton
'C' Walk
The walk start at Chipping where there is an opportunity to take a coffee break at the Cobbled Corner Cafe before beginning the walk. After leaving Chipping, we walk over fields towards Birchen Lee. We then follow farm tracks to Park Gate and Lickhurst Farm, climbing to Dinkling Green Farm with views of Fair Oak Fell and the Hodder Valley. We then return to Chipping along farm tracks and fields via Greystoneley and Dairy Barn.
Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 500'
Leaders: Ray Webb and Janet Purdy