Range Walking Club
Sunday 13th July 1997-Sedbergh area of Cumbria
The last walks before the summer break take us to the Sedbergh area of Cumbria. The Howgills are unusual terrain with conical hills a-plenty, deep valleys yet with gentle riverside paths as well. Sunday, 13 July is the day of the trip, leaving school at 0800 hrs and returning by 2000 hrs. Toilet facilities are available in Sedbergh as well as cafes at the end of the day. Early booking is recommended as last month, for economic reasons, we had to restrict ourselves to one coach only. The cost of travel is £5.00 for adults and £3.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slips with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 3 July, in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club". Walking boots are essential for all walks.

'A' Walk
Starting from Newbiggin on the A685 we head south over Pinksey past Huntshoof Pike to Green Bell(605m). Unable to resist the call of Randy Gill Top, we continue over Kensgriff to Yarlside (639m).Dropping to Bowderdale Head we next ascend The Calf (676m) and follow the ridge path over Arant Haw to Winder above Sedbergh. The route down will depend upon time available
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 950m
Leaders: J Roberts and A N Other
'B'+ Walk
A circular walk starting from Sedbergh and following the Rawthey River valley to the foot of Cautley Spout. Ascending to the north of the waterfall we cross Bowderdale Head to the ridge and on to The Calf, the highest point of the day (676m). The walk follows the ridge path past Arant Haw towards Winder and then descends on one of the many routes into Sedbergh. A very pleasant B+ walk with spectacular views all round.

Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 2000'
Leaders: Barry Bord and David Poole

'B' Walk
Starting from the Mallerstang road we make our way to the foot of Cautley Spout (a magnificent series of waterfalls dropping some 700'). Our route is to the top of the falls and will be taken very slowly with plenty of stops to admire the falls and the scenery. From the top we take in The Calf; Little Dummocks, Calders Arant Haw and Winder, a gently undulating ridge walk with long views to Morecambe Bay, The Lakes The Pennines. A short descent follows into Sedbergh.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 1650'
Leaders: John McEvoy and David Wake

'C' Walk
A more strenuous circular 'C' walk based on Sedbergh with a climb to the Trig Point at Winder. This should provide excellent views of the Cumbrian hills and Morecambe Bay - weather permitting. The climb will be taken slowly and after lunch we will make our way down the hill to the Dales Way. This follows the River Rawthey back to Sedbergh.

Distance: 7¾ miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: John Mackay and David Turton