Range Walking Club
Sunday 19th January 1997-Danebridge
Welcome to 1997 and a happy new year to everyone. On Sunday 19 January, we go to Danebridge on the borders of Staffordshire and Cheshire (Outdoor Leisure Map 24), an unspoilt area not previously visited by the Club. All walks are circular, based on the Rose and Crown at Allgreave (973670), where the landlord has generously agreed to open at the end of the Walks for toilets, tea, coffee or something stronger. All walks involve some road walking and a visit to Church. Lud's Church is a cave steeped in history and legend - find out more on the day. We leave school at 0800 hrs prompt (toilet stop en route) and will commence our return journey at 1700 hrs in order to be back in Formby about 1900 hrs. The cost of travel is £5.00 for adults and £3.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slips with cheque (not cash) to the school office on Monday, 13 January, in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club". please note that due to school holidays, time for returning slips is considerably curtailed. Walking boots are essential for all walks.

'A' Walk
We follow the river valley to Danebndge then climb steadily to Bearstone Rock, walk the Reaches and circle back to Bearstone then through Gradbach Wood to Luds Church. The River Dane is crossed at the Mill (now YHA) and a short road walk leads us back to the Rose and Crown.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1500'
Leaders: Meirion Williams and Gordon Spence

'B'+ Walk
We circle Hammerton Knowl to the north then continue south through Bennets Hill and Winde Grange farms to Danebridge. A steady ascent takes us to Bearstone Rock for lunch. Refreshed, we follow the 'A' walk to Lud's Church and back to the Rose and Crown.

Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: Dave Miles and Rick Tynan
'B' Walk
The walk follows a minor road to Gradbach Mill and continues for a short distance along the River Dane, We then climb gradually out of the valley until we come to the Hanging Stone before descending once more to the riverside and continue to Barley Ford Bridge. For a short distance we continue along the Gritstone Trail before cutting off to Wincle Grange and return on the opposite bank of the river.
Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 800'
Leaders: Dave Griffiths and Keith Ellard
'C' Walk
From Allgreave we follow the ridge above the River Dane, dropping down to cross the river at Danebridge. We then climb gently to the opposite ridge to visit the Hanging Stone and onwards to a lunch spot before going to Church. A woodland walk returns us to the river which we re-cross at Gradbach. A short climb leads to a minor road on which we return to our starting point. This is a pleasant and varied stroll on mostly good surfaces with good views from open land and enjoyable wooded sections. There will be plenty of time to explore 'Luds' Church' and we should arrive at our destination with ample opportunity to use the facilities there.

Distance: 5 miles
Ascent: 500'
Leaders: Ginny and Dave Willis