Range Walking Club
Sunday 16th February 1997-Lake District-Windermere
The Lake District is the venue for the February 'Hot Pot' walks which take place on Sunday, 16th. All walks are lateral, the 'A' and 'B+' taking advantage of some of Lakelands lesser used footpaths and bridleways. All walks finish in Windermere where there are refreshment and toilet facilities. As some of the footpaths are likely to be muddy to varying degrees, a change of clothing may be considered useful prior to going for supper. We will leave Windermere at 1600 hrs prompt for a 30 minute drive to the Lindale Inn for the "Hot Pot" (see attached slip for choice of menu). As usual the coaches leave school at 0800 hrs prompt returning to Formby by 2030 hrs approx. There will be a short toilet stop on the outward journey. The cost of travel is now £5.00 for adults and £3.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slips for travel and meals with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 6 February, in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club". Walking boots are essential for all walks.

'A' Walk
Starting on the A591 (GR 502885) we follow farm tracks and field paths towards Brigsteer before climbing the southern end of Scout Scar where, given reasonable weather, views of the Lyth Valley and Morecambe Bay can be expected. Descending from the Scar to Under Barrow, the route then heads north west over fields and through woodland to join the Dales Way for the final 2 miles to Windermere.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 800'
Leaders: Ann and Ian Mitchell

'B'+ Walk
We start north west of Kendal (GR 496952) taking a roughly southerly route over Cunswick Scar with pleasant views from the modest height of 600' before turning west along the well-named Gamblemire Lane and on to open fields. After a mile or so there is a turn northwards to pass through Crook to meet the Dales Way footpath for the final 3 miles into Windermere.

Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Arthur Jones and John Hughes

'B' Walk
Taking the same route initially as the 'C' party, we make a steady ascent to Jenkins Crag. From here we follow the gentle lower contours of the start of Troutbeck Valley to the village of the same name. Crossing the road leading to the Kirkstone Pass we climb for a very short distance before following field paths to the base of Orrest Head. Then follows a slow ascent of this fell which, at the top, reveals an almost full panorama of the southern/middle Lake District fells etc. From here it is but a short descent to Windermere and our coaches. A walk that has views from start to finish and is mostly on gently undulating ground

Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 850'
Leaders: Dave Luty and Meirion Williams
'C' Walk
Starting at Ambleside we climb slowly up through Skelgyll Woods to Jenkins Crag for our first coffee stop and, weather permitting, a magnificent panorama of Windermere and its lake below. We then amble gently up and down easterly to just below the village of Troutbeck. Turning south we stop for lunch near the beck footbridge. Crossing the A592, a short distance of minor road walking brings us back on to bridleways and field paths taking us to Far Orrest and Near Orrest. Finally a slow ascent up to Orrest Head for a last look at those wonderful views before descending to Windermere to catch our coach. A really lovely walk with fine vistas all the way.
Distance: 6 miles
Ascent: 800'
Leaders: John Rothwell and Bob Hutt