Range Walking Club
Sunday 15th October 1995-East Lancashire-Bacup
This month's walk is on Sunday, 15 October and takes us to East Lancashire. All walks are in the Rossendale area and include parts of either the Rossendale Way, the Burnley Way or the Irwell Valley Way. All walks end in Bacup which some may recognise as Hartley of BBC TV's "Juliet Bravo" series. The coaches will leave Bacup to return to Formby at 1730 hours at the latest. As usual we depart school at 0800 hours at 0800 hours prompt The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slips with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 5 October, in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club". Please ensure cheques are signed.
'A' Walk
Starting from Towneley Park, southeast of Burnley, we head north east past the Hall towards Hurstwood where the Burnley Way is picked up and followed south east to Sheddon Clough. We pause briefly to take in the view from The Long Causeway and continue past Coal Clough Wind Farm and descend via Pudsey Clough to Portsmouth. Here we cross the A646 and continue westwards across Heald Moor to join the Irwell Valley Way into Bacup.
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1400'
Leaders: John Roberts and A N Other
'B'+ Walk
Following the 'A' walk from Towneley Park we pick up the Burnley Way through Cliviger and ascend Thieveley Pike (fine views on a clear day). We descend from here to pick up the Rossendale Way and continue a scenic undulating meander through the Forest of Rossendale (I see no trees!) to our destination of Bacup.
Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: John McEvoy and David Poole
'B' Walk
Starting out following the 'A' and 'B'+ walks through the wooded Towneley Park to Cliviger Laithe onto the Burnley Way to Thieveley Pike. From here we cross Deerplay Moor to the source of the River Irwell and the Deerplay public house At this point we join the Irwell Valley Way for an easy ramble into Bacup.
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Ian Gilmore and David Turton
'C' Walk
A circular walk starting and finishing in Bacup. We start out in a north easterly direction following Lane Head Lane past historic sites too numerous to mention here a gentle rise to the Rossendale Way. This is followed in a westerly direction along the edge of Heald Moor until it meets with the Irwell Way very close to the Deerplay public house and the source of the River Irwell. From Deerplay, a gentle ramble downhill takes us back to Bacup.
Distance: 6½ miles
Ascent: 500'
Leaders: David Wake and John McKay