Range Walking Club
Sunday 19th May 1996-Lake District-Glenridding
On Sunday, 19 May we travel to the eastern fells of The Lake District. As usual we depart school at 0800 hrs prompt and will have a toilet stop en route. We plan to leave Glenridding for the return journey at 1715 hrs and should arrive back at school before 2000 hrs. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and
£2.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slips with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 9 May, in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club". Please read the notes carefully. The 'A' and 'B'+ walks particularly are for experienced walkers. The 'B'+ walk includes a vertigo/exposure situation as we come off Helvellyn. With three demanding walks in prospect, all are reminded to walk as a group behind the leader and so reduce exposure to risks and pressure on the leaders.

'A' Walk
From Kirkstone Inn (GR401081) there is a 1000' scramble, requiring care, to the summit of Red Screes. Bearing northwest, we descend to the Scarsdale Pass watershed and cross Bakestones to climb Dove Crag and Fairfield (2863'). A rough descent over the crest of Cofa Pike gives access to St Sunday Crag and a fine ridge walk back to Glenridding.

Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 3500'
Leaders: Meirion Williams and Gordon Spence

'B'+ Walk
First, a very pleasant walk, climbing steadily from Glenridding to the ruined dam below Catsye Cam with excellent views of Helvellyn and Lower Man from below. Then we turn north and skirting Keppal Cove, ascend to the cairn on Whiteside. We then walk south on to Lower Man and Helvellyn (3113') and descend via Striding Edge and Birkhouse Moor.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 3000'
Leaders: Rick Tynan and Dave Miles

'B' Walk
A much more strenuous 'B' walk than normal with 1700' of ascent in the first 1.75 miles. However, the effort is worthwhile for the splendid views, weather permitting. Starting at Patterdale, we climb up to Boredale Hause (coffee stop and time to recover). We then head north to continue climbing to the summit of Place Fell (2154'). It is a bit of a scramble to the top!! After time to get our breath back, we continue north to skirt High Dodd to the west before descending to the lakeside path near Scalehow Beck. Turning westwards, we follow the undulating path alongside Ullswater to Patterdale and then by road to Glenridding.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 2200'
Leaders: Keith Ellard and Dave Griffiths

'C' Walk
This walk explores two of the valleys running down to Ullswater at Glenridding - the Grisedale and the Glenridding. Starting at Patterdale (where there are toilets) we firstly head up the Grisedale valley. After crossing the beck there is a short climb across the ridge at low level into Glenridding valley. We follow the beck up to old mine workings at the upper end of the dale before returning to Glenridding in plenty of time for the usual end-of-walk pleasures. From both valleys the rugged mountain terrain of the Lake District can be well appreciated.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 700'
Leaders: David and Ginny Willis