Range Walking Club
Sunday 16th June 1996-North Lake District-Braithwaite
On Sunday, 16 June we visit the north western fells of The Lake District. As usual we depart school at 0800 hours prompt and will have a toilet stop at Tebay en route. All walks finish at Braithwaite, with the coaches parked at the Royal Oak Hotel. A function room is available for our use at the Royal Oak, where a variety of food and beverages are available. There are however other facilities in Braithwaite. In order to utilise the length of (we hope!) the long summer day, we plan to depart at 1800 hrs and should arrive back at school for 2030 hrs. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students in full- time education. Please return slips with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 6 June, in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club".

'A' Walk
Starting at Nichol End (GR 254228), southeast of Portinscale, we walk an extended Newlands Round, taking in Cat Bells (1481'), Maiden Moor (1887'), High Spy (2143'), Dale Head (2473') and Hindscarf (2385') before following road and river from Little Town back to Braithwaite. Extensive views are - available of both the Newlands and Borrowdale Valleys and finally down over Honister Pass to the Buttermere Valley.

Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: 3420'
Leaders: Ken Bryning and Garfield Southall

'B'+ Walk
This circular walk starts and finishes at Braithwaite and makes use of well trodden paths along old mining routes, river banks, the high fells and exposed ridges with some challenging descents. In fine weather the views are magnificent and provide distant glimpses of Bassenthwaite, Derwent Water, Crummock Water and Buttermere. Walking southwest from the start we follow the mining track to the head of Coledale and it Force Crag Mine start the main ascent of the day to Coledale Hause. Turning south behind Bel Crag we follow easier paths to reach the summit of Crag Hill (2752'). The return journey is along the ridge via Sail, Scar Crag, Causey Pike and Rowling End. Back in the valley again, the final 2 miles from Stair makes use of an attractive path beside Newlands Beck.

Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 2900'
Leaders: Dave Purdy and Glennis Poole
'B' Walk
From Threlkeld Village we follow field paths to the railway path which winds through pleasant woodland by the side of the River Greta (where we play 'spot the dipper'), skirting the north of Keswick. Taking roads from Keswick Station via Briar Rigg to Great Crosthwaite we continue for a short distance along the railway track and head via Crossing Bridge to Portinscale. By the Cumbria Way we head towards Skelgill and then Stair to pick up the riverside path along Newland Beck into Braithwaite. A flat 'B' with a chance to chat to your friends along the way without losing breath in climbing.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 500'
Leaders: Mike Wood and Ray Webb
'C' Walk
Our walk commences from Braithwaite with a long steady climb into the hills past Style End to Stonycroft Gill. There we follow the gill downstream on a stony track for ¾ mile before crossing it and making our way round to Rowling End Farm. Now by heading first to Skelgill and then Lingholm (refreshments available) we reach the woodland area on the western shore of Derwent Water. Our return to Braithwaite is via Portinscale. A leisurely pace will be maintained throughout the walk, giving you time to admire the many views.

Distance: 6½ miles
Ascent: 1150'
Leaders: Barry Whitby and Pete Kenna