Range Walking Club
Sunday 28th April 1996-Yorkshire Dales-Malham
On Sunday, 28 April we are off to the Malham area of the Yorkshire Dales. Four very good walks all in areas not visited before, except for the final mile or so into Malham. Walk through peaceful and yet beautiful country at your leisure. Refreshments are available at the finishing village. As usual we depart school at 0800 hours prompt and will be back there by 1930 hours. Toilet stops en route for the 'A' and 'B' parties the 'B'+ and 'C' parties have toilet facilities at the start of their exercise. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slips with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 18 April, in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club".

'A' walk
The walk starts at Long Preston (G.R 835581) and follows a northerly direction across field paths and hillocks and crosses in front of Attermire Scar and Victoria Cave. The route then turns east heading for Malham tarn. We follow the nature trail around Malham tarn as far as Lings Plantation where we branch off heading for Gordale Scar. The descent off Gordale Scar can be difficult in wet conditions and will only be done if the weather permits (options available on the day). We then go on to Janets Foss waterfall and follow the river path into Malham where the coaches await.

Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: 1350'
Leaders: Ian Mitchell and Arthur Jones
'B'+ Walk
A packhorse route from Settle begins a walk that captures the exhilaration and splendour of the Dales. The trail turns east into the heart of majestic limestone scenery then north beneath Lancliffe Scar which was once an underwater cliff. All the climbing now finished, good paths cross the moors before rounding picturesque Malham Tarn and heading South into the limestone pavement area. At the spectacular chasm of Goredale Scar, a descent beside the waterfall includes an unavoidable scramble needing the use of hands but any nerves will be calmed by the subsequent gentle riverside path into Malharn.
Distance: 10½ miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Alan Clarkson and John Hughes
'B' Walk
This walk starts at Long Preston and moves eastward to pick up the track running north-south called Langber Lane. We then follow this path north taking in Scaleber Force en route to Stockdale Lane (836631). Turning east once more we then proceed for 3.5 kilometres then go northeast at Nappas Cross before veering east to fetch us to the top of the spectacular Malham Cove with its limestone pavement. Views from here are usually superb. We then descend into the Cove entrance and so into Malham, a very good walk with approximately 1 mile in total on very minor tarmac track.
Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Phil Morgan and Dave Luty
'C' Walk
A lovely walk with something for everyone. Starting from Settle we climb gently for half a mile in a northeasterly then easterly direction. We then meander up and down at an easy pace on stony tracks and grass paths (some mud in places) with the crags of  Warrendale Knotts, Great Scar etc to the north and Rye Loaf Hill and Kirkby Fell to the south. Near Kirkby Fell we go northeast then descend gradually on a semi circular route into Malharn Cove. Some care is necessary here as the path down to the limestone escarpment is rocky and a bit steep as are the steps down from the escarpment to join the flat path into Malham. However, the spectacular views are a treat and the Malham tea shops and pub will not disappoint!

Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 750'
Leaders: Bob Hutt and John Rothwell