Range Walking Club
Sunday 25th September 1994-North Lake District-Seatoller
Welcome to the 1994-95 season. I trust you are fit and ready to enjoy another programme of interesting walks. A warm welcome to new members - I hope this will be the start of many happy walks with the Club. WOULD ANYONE WALKING WITH THE CLUB FOR THE FIRST TIME PLEASE CONTACT THE LEADER IN CHARGE OF THE COACH FOR ADVICE ON THE SUITABILITY OF GRADE OF WALK CHOSEN. The walks this month cover the central fells of the Lake District and offer outstanding scenery and terrain. Although the walks start from different locations, they all finish at Seatoller in Borrowdale where a cafe and toilets are available. A toilet stop will be made on the outward journey. We leave school at 8.00 a.m. prompt on Sunday, 25 September and should be back in Formby by 7.30 p m. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slip with cheque (not cash) in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club" by Thursday, 15 September 1994.

'A' Walk
This is a fine walk with all the hallmarks of a classic. Starting from Grasmere we follow Far Easedale as it climbs gradually to Greenup Edge where we turn south to reach High Raise (762m). From here we pick off the Langdale Pikes (Harrison Stickle, Loft Crag, Pike of Stickle, etc) until time, weather or energy run out. Walkers can pick'n'mix their peaks. We then descend via the Stake Pass and a superb ghyll scramble into Langstrath Dale for the walk north to the finish.
Distance: 14 miles
Ascent: 3200'
Leaders: Garfield Southall and Ken Bryning
'B'+ Walk
Starting in Grasmere Village we make a steep climb to the top of Helm Crag. From there we continue along the undulating ridge to Calf Crag, also taking in Gibson Knot. Then it is a short climb up to Greenup Edge (2000'). We then take a good path, which is very steep in places, down Greenup Gill and passing Eagle Crag, until we reach Rosthwaite. From there it is a short walk across fields and along a river valley to Seatoller.
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 2550'
Leaders: Glennis Poole and Dave Purdy
'B' Walk
Leaving the A591 south of Thirlmere the walk follows the Wyth Burn, climbing steadily past its waterfalls to Wythbum Head Tarns (304115). Crossing the boggy ground between Middle Row and Brownrigg Moss the assault on Greenup Edge then commences. The descent into Borrowdale takes in Greenup Gill and Stonethwaite Beck before finishing in Seatoller. This walk includes two ascents, one tricky descent plus a mixture of rocky and boggy ground. However, the prospect of attractive views and the tranquility afforded by Wythburn Head Tarns, should amply reward the effort required.
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 1400'
Leaders: Mike Wood and Ray Webb
'C' Walk
From the car park in Great Wood (south of Keswick on the Borrowdale Road) we walk under Falcon Crag to Ashness Bridge through Ashness Wood before descending to High Lodore. Crossing the valley, we continue walking south on the Allerdale Ramble via Castle Crag to Seatoller. Given good conditions the Jaws of Borrowdale offer one of the finest areas for viewing the natural beauty of the Lake District.
Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 800'
Leaders: Barry Whitby and Pete Kenna