Range Walking Club
Sunday 20th November 1994-Lake District-Kendal
The last coach trip of 1994 takes us to Kendal, the gateway to the Lake District; on Sunday, 20 November. All walks finish in Kendal but; due to new coach parking restrictions, our transport will be sited at the Leisure Centre on Burton Road (A65) just south of the middle of town. The toilet stop on the outward journey will be at Burton Services on the M6. We leave school as usual at 8 am prompt and expect to be back there by 7.30 pm. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slip with cheque (not cash) in an envelope marked "RANGE WALKING CLUB" by Thursday, 10 November 1994.

'A' Walk
Starting at Staveley and heading north east we cross over Brunt Knott (427m) towards Skeggles Water and thence to Sadgill. Following Stockdale Beck and Brow Gill to the western arm of Bannisdale Horseshoe (493m) we then turn south to Whiteside Pike (397m). Descending to Garnett Bridge we then follow paths and river back to Kendal.
Distance: 15 miles
Ascent: 2500'
Leaders: John Roberts and Garfield Southall

'B'+ Walk
A stile-ish walk starting with a short; steep climb east from Staveley off the A591 on to Frost Hole and upwards to Potter Tarn, Gurnal Dubs then down to picturesque Garnett Bridge. A climb up to the A6 at Watchgate, south to Skelsmergh, Dodding Green then beside the River Mint joining the River Kent into Kendal. Not as demanding as some B+ walks but will be taken at a steady pace to arrive in Kendal in daylight.
Distance: 11½ miles
Ascent: 1150
Leaders: John McEvoy and David Wake
'B' Walk
Starting from Ings on the Staveley - Windermere road, we walk south to join the Dales Way eastwards. In order to avoid November mud we take advantage of a fine network of narrow macadamed lanes in the early stages. No traffic is anticipated. From Staveley we follow the River Kent to Kendal. A pleasant low level walk, with very little climbing, through a variety of landscape features.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: Very little
Leaders: Ian Gilmour and Ken Parks

'C' Walk
The walk starts in Kendal town centre and proceeds uphill via the racecourse to Underbarrow Scar. Here we pause to view the distant peaks and foils. The route continues along the escarpment to join the path along the edge of Cunswick Fell with good views to the west. Our return is via the footbridge over the A591 and a descent into Kendal through the golf course. This walk is regarded as moderately strenuous with some steepness, all of which will be taken at a leisurely pace. There are public toilets in Kendal and at least one cafe (Walepole's) will be open on our return.
Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 625'
Leaders: Rob and Joyce Blackwell