Range Walking Club
Sunday 18th June 1995-Lake District-Glenridding
The walks on Sunday, 18 June take us to the north-eastern Lake District and walks are based around Glenridding, an area containing Ullswater, the Lake District's second largest lake and some of Lakeland's finest scenery. The coaches will leave school at 0800 hours prompt and return to Formby by 2000 hours by leaving Glenridding at 1715 hrs prompt please! There will be a short toilet stop on the outward journey at the Tebay services on the M6. All walks finish at Glenridding where there are teashops and toilet facilities. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slips with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 8 June in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club".
'A' Walk
Starting at Dockray (G.R. 393216) and climbing steadily southwest, we attain a height of about 1600'. The path then contours the Head of Glen Coyne. The views of Ullswater and beyond are breathtaking. At (G.R. 362186) we climb steeply to attain the summit cairn of White Stones (795m). From here southwest to the head of Sticks Pass and then south to Raise (833m), Whiteside (863m), Lower Man (925m) and, our highest point of the day, Helvellyn (950m). From here a choice of either Swirrel Edge or Striding Edge to make our descent of Birkhouse Moor and down to Glenridding where the walk finishes.
Distance: 12½ miles
Ascent: 3000'
Leaders: Ian Mitchell and Alan Clarkson
'B'+ Walk
Visitors are cordially invited to meet the Dodds; Great Dodd (2807'), Watsons Dodd (2584'), Little Dodd and Stybarrow Dodd (2770'). The family are tall yet gentle and approachable and, although somewhat plain, offer views of more interesting neighbours. Leaving the coaches at Dockray, we gain height steadily to meet Great Dodd for lunch, followed by an easy stroll over to the other Dodds. 'The return to coaches at Glenridding is via Sticks Pass and the south side of the valley.
Distance: 9¾ miles;
Ascent: 2100'
Leaders: Arthur Jones and John Hughes
'B' Walk
We start at Bridgend, 1.5 k short of the isolated village of Hartsop at the foot of the northern end of the Kirkstone Pass (GR 407132) and follow the terraced track northwards climbing slowly to Boredale Hause. Views are constantly changing as we gain height (241m) but inevitably of great delight. At this Hause we turn to the east for a short descent into remote Boredale. We then continue northwards again to pass under the east side of Place Fell to Garth Heads Farm, through to Sandwick. If time allows and there is enough interest, an excursion to the top of Hallin Fell gives superb views of Ullswater and its environs. Turning south we follow the delightful Shore Path on the west side of Place Fell back to Patterdale, once again affording excellent views of Ullswater, Helvellyn, etc. The route then takes in Lanty's Tarn, worth a visit any time and then drops back into Glenridding. A thoroughly interesting walk all round.
Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 750' (excluding Hallin Fell - climb of 370')
Leaders: Phil Morgan and A N Other
'C' Walk
A circuit of the tranquil waters of Brothers Water gets us off to a great start. We proceed through Hartsop and along the fellside in the direction of Patterdale. A moderate climb, which will be taken at a steady pace, is rewarded with memorable views and a pleasant place to lunch if the weather is kind. A gentle descent takes us into Patterdale from where we walk a short way up Grisedale before turning head into Glenridding via Lanty's Tarn.
Distance: 6½ miles
Ascent: 600'
Leaders: John Rothwell and Ray Webb