Range Walking Club
Sunday 16th July 1995-Eden Valley-Appleby
The walks on Sunday, 16 July take us to the Eden Valley/Appleby area. Because of a shortage of leaders (volunteers needed), there will only be 3 walks so choose carefully to suit your abilities. The coaches will leave school at 0800 hours prompt and there will be a short toilet stop on the outward journey at Kirkby Stephen. The coaches will leave Appleby at 1730 hrs to arrive back in Formby by 2000 hrs. The 'B'/'C' walk finishes in Dufton and thence by coach to Appleby. The 'A' and 'B'+/'B' walk finishes in Appleby. Some of the walks are on MOD ranges. It is essential therefore to keep to the public footpaths and to stay behind the walk leader. Children must be accompanied and controlled by their parents at all times The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slips with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 6 July in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club".

'A' Walk
The 'A' walk follows a horseshoe route around Murton Fell between Dufton and Hilton and takes in the compelling view from High Cup Nick. Half of the walk follows The Pennine Way from Maize Beck to Dufton. The rest is through MOD areas (where the army is having the day off) and follows clearly marked paths.

Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: 1500'
Leaders: Ian Mitchell and John Roberts

'B'+ and 'B' Walks
Less strenuous than usual 'B'+ walks but a good 'B' walk. We start in the middle of nowhere (G.R. 742,176) and follow a track through the ranges to Hilton, up Scordale Beck, across the lower edge of Mell Fell to Murton, (2 gentle climbs of 250'), Shepherds Cottage, through woodland to Flakebridge, undulating farmland to descend to Appleby via the railway station. A walk of varied countryside and scenery.

Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 600'
Leaders: David Poole and David Wake

'B'/'C' Walk
We start and finish at the delightful village of Dufton. Having circumnavigated Dufton Pike we transfer by coach to savour the delights of Appleby. This walk encapsulates all the most appealing aspects of the country ramble - rivers and streams babbling through wooded ghylls, meadows, hamlets, rustic properties rewarding views; state of the art stiles and an unobtrusive total ascent of about 600'. A 'B' walk happily suited to 'C' walkers. A 'C' walk that will offer refreshing relief to easy-going 'B' walkers! There are toilets at Dufton.

Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 600'
Leaders: Ian Gilmour and Ken Parks