Range Walking Club
Sunday 22nd January 1995-Kirkby Lonsdale
A Happy New Year to you all, We kick off in the Kirkby Lonsdale area on Sunday 22 January. Please note that you are receiving these notes a few days later than usual but we must have the slips back by Thursday as usual (ie 12th January) to book the coaches. Please also note that the weather has been extremely wet recently; ground conditions are likely to be very wet underfoot hence boots are essential and, at this time of the year particularly, plenty of warm clothing.
We leave school as usual at 0800 hrs prompt and leave Kirkby Lonsdale at 1700 hrs so please do not go for refreshments if you do not have sufficient time to be on the coach for 1700 hrs. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slip with cheque (not cash) in an envelope marked "RANGE WALKING CLUB" by Thursday, 12 January.

'A' Walk
A chance to tread and explore areas we so often race past on the way to the Lakes. We start in the village of Warton (Grid ref SD 500725), walking over the Leighton Hall estate and nature reserve to the 'Fairy Steps', an enchanted wooded limestone hill near Beetham. A treck across fields and under the M6 leads to the limestone plateau of Farleton Fell (244m), the largest outcrop west of the Yorkshire Dales. A final dash across fields and track leads us into Kirkby Lonsdale. Whilst little height is involved, this is a long walk over some 'tacky' ground - be prepared to wade !
Distance: 16 miles
Leaders: Ken Bryning and Garfield Southall
'B'+ Walk
This circular walk starts and finishes at Devil's Bridge on the A683 in Kirkby Lonsdale. There are toilet facilities near the bridge and also a mobile snack bar which dispenses superb bacon butties! Country lanes, farm tracks, field and woodland paths combine to make an attractive walk with varied scenery (provided the "recce" mist has gone!). Heading east from the start, the route is via High Casterton and Bindloss Farm then north along Fellfoot Road. Turning east, we climb Fell Road and use moorland tracks to skirt Brownthwaite Pike, eventually descending to Bullpot Farm where, depending on time, it may be possible to make a short diversion to visit the 175' deep 'Bullpot of the Witches'. The return leg is via Barbondale. Barbon village, Beckfoot Farm and Casterton Hall. Parts of the walk are extremely muddy so pray for a hard frost!
Distance: 12 miles;
Ascent:1400', Styles: 10
Leaders: Dave Purdy and Glennis Poole
'B' Walk
A steady walk round the shoulder of the Lime Valley starting at Over Kellet as the second party off the bus, proceeding north via Capernwray, Borwick and Hutton Roof into Kirkby Lonsdale from the north west A mix of field paths, track, road and canal tow path, expect sticky mud in parts and one or two narrow styles. An outing for those who wish to stroll into 1995.
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 500'
Leaders: Mike Wood and Ray Webb
'C' Walk
This walk explores the changing countryside to the north and east of Kirkby Lonsdale. We walk across farmland, along muddy tracks and quiet country lanes on a route that skirts Barbon Low Fell Barbon Village and the River Lime. Good views - no steep climbs.
Distance: 7¾ miles
Ascent: 570'
Leader: Barry Whitby