Range Walking Club
Sunday 12th February 1995-Trough of Bowland-Slaidburn
The February walk this year takes place on Sunday, 12 and as usual combines with our annual Hot Pot Supper on the return journey. Based on Slaidburn, south of the Trough of Bowland, there are walks to suit all levels of ability and interest Boots are a necessity as the ground, as is common at this time of year, is bound to be wet and muddy. Toilet facilities are available before the start of each walk. The coaches will leave school at 0800 hrs prompt and expect to be back there by 1945 hrs.

Supper has been arranged at the Ribchester Arms in Ribchester. We have been offered a choice of main meal and dessert for an all-in price of £5 per head. Coffee and tea are available, but at an extra cost, to be ordered and paid for on the day. Please indicate your choice of meal on the attached slip and return it with your coach booking form. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slips with cheque (not cash) to cover travel and meals in an envelope marked "RANGE WALKING CLUB" by Thursday, 2 February.

'A' Walk
Starling in Newton (695704) via fields and lanes to Parrock Head Country Hotel. Turning north, gently climbing to Burnside and then more steeply to the peat bogs of Dunsop Head. Through the bogs down to Whitendale then up river climbing steadily to the Roman Road (more peat bogs and fords). South along the Roman or old Salt Road to House of Croasdale. Through fields, past Mytton Craft Centre and on to Slaidburn.
Distance: 14 miles
Leaders: John Roberts and Ian Mitchell
'B'+ Walk
Starting at Dunsop Bridge (Grid ref 659502) we walk north up the sheltered valley of the River Dunsop to Whitendale Farm. If the weather is fair, we will continue up the remote Whitendale Valley to Hard Hill Top where we join the old Salt Road. Turning southeast, we return to Slaidburn via the House of Croasdale and field paths. A shorter alternative is available from Whitendale Farm if the weather is bad, by returning direct to Slaidburn via Dunsop Fell top. Either route will be very wet underfoot so boots are essential.
Distance: 10½ (or 8¼) miles
Leaders: Dave Wake and Dave Poole
'B' Walk
Slightly longer than the usual 'B' walk but little ascent involved and it should help to provide a good appetite for the meal. A circular walk from Slaidburn heading northeast around Stocks Reservoir to Lock Bridge (over the River Hodder) then generally southwards on tracks and fields returning to Slaidburn.
Distance: 10½ miles
Ascent: 500'
Leaders: John McEvoy and Ian Gilmore

'C' Walk
We start at Slaidbum walking toward the lower slopes of Burn Fell and Beatrix Fell via Parrock Head and Burn House. At Beatrix Farm we swing back to ward Newton where there will be an opportunity for a comfort stop (and some refreshment for those who wish). Our return to Slaidburn is over a pleasant meadow beside the River Hodder. Given good weather there will be excellent views of the surrounding fells. (Total time out is 5 hours including rest stops).
Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: negligible
Leaders: Rob and Joyce Blackwell