Range Walking Club
Christmas walk, Wednesday 28th December 1994-Lancashire-White Coppice

Once again a refreshing. nay bracing. walk for your healthy option post-Christmas festivities. We are returning to Lancashire villages and moors for your pennance. Where could you start a walk at a village which was the setting for a TV series, take in a Round Loaf Devils Ditch, memorial to a crashed Wellington bomber and visit underground stabling? The answer lies with a walk from White Coppice via Brinscall back to White Coppice. Where are we? If you know, join the leaders and advise them!

We meet at the cricket field at White Coppice (G.R. S.D. 620191). This is the TV location. From here we move south to Anglezarke Reservoir (ah, at last you know where you are?). Traveling down the east side of this water gives superb views of Lancashire. Leaving the reservoir before the dam, we climb to a modest height on to the ridge of Moorland (location of memorial). Now we cross open moorland (if weather inclement, alternative will be considered), passing Round Loaf and descend to Brinscall where lunch is taken appropriately at the Cricketers Arms (given starting point of walk) at approximately 1245 hours. Leaving the pub, (probably reluctantly) we then follow woodland paths and riverside walk taking in the site of underground stabling (if leaders can recollect location) back to White Coppice for approximately 1515 hours. It is likely to be very wet underfoot in places or, if you prefer, dry in parts, so good boots are essential. Meet at White Coppice (cricket ground) for 0930 hrs.

Distance: approx 7¾ miles
Ascent: negligible
Leaders: Ian Mitchell and Dave Luty
Distance: Formby to White Coppice, approx 32 miles
Directions to White Coppice
Formby to Ormskirk then A59 to approximately 1 mile beyond Rufford. Take road right to Croston and thence to Chorley. On to A6 north to pick up A674 to Blackburn (near Hartwood Pub). Follow A674 over M61 then just past Red Cat Pub on left-hand side (approx 1.1 miles from M61) turn right up road signposted Heapey'. Pass Railway Pub on left and ignore road signposted 'Anglezarke'. Just past cottages left watch for signpost to White Coppice. Follow this until you come to the cricket ground.
I suggest allowing yourselves at least 90 minutes for journey, dependent on ability to find places and speed of driving. Repeat - distance from Formby is approximately 32 miles.
Happy Christmas to all.