Range Walking Club
Sunday 2nd April 1995-Shropshire-Bishop's Castle
On Sunday, 2 April, the walks take us into Shropshire near the Mid-Wales border, an area we have not been in before. It is pleasant, rolling countryside with some fine views from the higher points. Walking boots and warm clothing are essential. There will not be a toilet stop on the outward journey but toilet facilities are available on all walks. The coaches will leave school at 0800 hours prompt and expect to be back there by 1930 hours. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slips with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 23 March in an envelope marked "Range Walking Club".

'A' Walk
Starting at Pontesbury (GR 398062) we head southwest by track and wood to Snailbeach before ascending the Stiperstones Ridge via The Hollies and Blakemoorgate. Manstone Rock (537m) is the summit of the ridge and the highest point in Shropshire. It affords a panorama of the Long Mynd range to the east and the mountains of mid-Wales to the west. The walk continues via The Knolls and Linley Hill (397m) to Bishop's Castle.

Distance: 14 miles
Ascent: 2000'
Leaders: Ken Bryning and Garfield Southall

'B'+ Walk
Starting at Hope Mill on the A488, 9 miles north of Bishop's Castle, we follow field paths eastwards via Hogstow Hall to the village of Stiperstones. From there we climb steeply up Mytton Dingle on to the Stiperstones ridge. The effort is well worth it because of the spectacular Devil's Chair and other rock formations and the extensive views of the Welsh border country. We then walk southwards along the ridge. After descending to Cold Hill Farm we have another short climb over Linley Hill to Linley Hall and then walk back to Bishop's Castle by way of field paths and quiet lanes.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1600'
Leaders: Glennis Poole and Dave Purdy
'B' Walk
Commencing in Wales, on the slopes of Corndon Hill (305060), we walk southerly around Todleth Hill, crossing the Camlad below Aston Hall before climbing back into England to the west of Upper Broughton. A walk that offers a mixture of footpaths and bridleways (both little used) but with some necessary roadwork towards the end to take us into Bishop's Castle.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Mike Wood and Ray Webb

'C' Walk
From Bishop's Castle we climb gently through fields and woodland and along farm tracks to Middle Woodbatch. We then proceed to Upper Woodbatch and Whitcot Style House with panoramic views of the Stretton Hills before returning to Bishop's Castle where there may be time to explore the interesting architecture of this ancient town.

Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 750'
Leaders: Barry Whitby and Janet Purdy