Range Walking Club
Sunday 26th September 1993-North Lake District-Braithwaite
Welcome to the 1993-94 season. I trust you are fit and ready to enjoy another programme of interesting walks.
A warm welcome to new members - I hope this will be the start of many happy walks with the Club. WOULD ANYONE WALKING WITH THE CLUB FOR THE FIRST TIME PLEASE CONTACT THE LEADER IN CHARGE OF THE COACH FOR ADVICE ON THE SUITABILITY OF GRADE OF WALK CHOSEN. The walks on 26 September are in the Braithwaite area of the Lake District, an excellent choice for the start of the season. As usual a good choice of walks is available for all to choose from. We leave school at 8.00 a.m. prompt and expect to be back in Formby by 8.00 p.m. There will not be a toilet stop on the outward journey; these facilities being available in Braithwaite. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students (under 18 years of age). Please return slip with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 16 September.
'A' Walk
One of Alfred Wainwright's classic Lakeland walks which starts at Braithwaite, climbs Barrow (1494'), Outerside (1863') and thence to Sail (2530'), Following the ridge we walk to Eel Crags (2749'). A visit to Grasmoor (2791') will be optional then follows a short ascent to Hopegill Head (2525') and then we climb to the summit of Grisedale Pike (2593'). A strenuous day's walk ends with the descent back to Braithwaite. All-in-all a splendid walk via high crags giving excellent views.
Distance: 11½ miles (inc Grasmoor)
Ascent: 4500' (inc excursion)
Leaders: Ian Mitchell and A N Other
'B'+ Walk
This takes full advantage of one of Lakeland's most beautiful valleys (Newlands). Starting at Braithwaite, pass under Barrow Fell and walk down the valley to Rigg Beck. We then ascend Ard Crags (1860') and follow a delightful ridge for over a mile to Knott Rigg (1790'). Reversing direction we descend via a little used ridge to Keskadale Farm, then cross the valley to Little Town taking in the beautiful church and old school en route. From there we follow the river back to Braithwaite.
Distance: 10¼ miles
Ascent: 1400'
Leaders: Alan Clarkson and John Hughes
'B' Walk
Once again a delightful walk utilising the Newlands Valley to its best advantage. We leave Braithwaite following the route taken by the 'B'+ group as far as Rigg Beck but continue along the valley to Keskadale Farm. Turning across the valley we pass the Vale's church and old school on our way to Little Town. We then ascend via a well-defined and easy track to the summit of Catbells (1481') from where magnificent views of Derwentwater and its surrounding fells are to be had. Descending to the valley we then pick up the path which follows the river back to Braithwaite. A truly beautiful walk.
Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 950'
Leaders: Phil and Eileen Morgan
'C' Walk
A delightful circular ramble of the Derwent Valley which, given a good day, will reward us with lovely views of the surrounding fells plus glimpses of Derwentwater and Bassenthwaite Lake. Starting at Braithwaite village we trek southwards beneath Barrow Fell and Rowling End to Rowling End Farm. We then turn easterly towards Derwent Water for Skel Gill. From here we meander northwards to Swinside for (if on time) some well-earned liquid refreshment at the inn before finally returning via the river path back to Braithwaite. Walking is mainly on sound paths and bridleways with only a couple of brief ascents which will be taken slowly.
Distance: 6 miles
Ascent: 500'
Leaders: Bob Hutt and John Rothwell