Range Walking Club
Sunday 21st November 1993-Welshpool
Our next walk on Sunday, 21 November takes us to a new area for the Club - Welshpool. The walks are based on Glyndwrs Way and Offa's Dyke territory. All walks finish in Welshpool where there are toilet facilities and (we are informed) cafe facilities. We leave school at 8.00 a.m. prompt and expect to be back in Formby by 7.30 pm. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students (under 18 years of age). There will be a toilet stop at Ruabon on the outward journey; where depending upon distribution of members to each walk, we shall attempt to segregate 'B' and 'B'+ parties on one coach and 'A' and 'C' walkers on the second coach. Please return slip with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 11 November.

'A' Walk
Starting at Buttington on the A458 we pick up Offa's Dyke and start a long but gradual ascent eastwards to Beacon Ring (a hill fort) from where we turn due south following the ridge. Passing Offa's Pool we then follow the Roman road towards Montgomery. Some 4 miles from the latter we turn due west to Forden and the River Severn. Then heading northwest over fields, across an aircraft runway we wend our way to Powys Castle and pass through the grounds of this former home of Clive of India to Welshpool. A very variable walk taking in uplands, woods and pastureland.
Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: 1600'
Leaders: Ian Mitchell and Arthur Jones
'B'+ Walk
Starting at Meifod (on the A495 northwest of Welshpool) this walk follows Glyndwrs Way and finishes in Welshpool. It is undulating country with many changes of terrain and varied scenery. There are a number of alternative routes that can be followed depending on weather conditions and choice of the party.
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: David Wake and Ian Gilmour
'B' Walk
This walk commences at Llyn Du (The Black Lake) and follows basically the route of the 'B'+ party. Alternative routes can be built in as and when required and the walk continues through well varied countryside to Welshpool.
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 900'
Leaders: Ken Parks and Phil Morgan
'C' Walk
The walk starts from Cil-Cewydd Bridge on the A490 south of Welshpool town. We proceed in a southerly direction beside the Severn River and adjacent to a new airfield. Our route takes us across the A483 where we turn north along the Shropshire Union Canal and then through parkland with views of Powys Castle and onward to the town centre where there are toilet facilities. At least one cafe will be open. In the event of wet weather shoes or trainers are not recommended.
Distance: 6¼ miles
Leaders: Joyce and Bob Blackwell