Range Walking Club
Sunday 20th March 1994-Derbyshire-Hope Valley
The next walk takes us back into Derbyshire Peak District but this time to the Hope Valley, one of the National Parks' most beautiful areas. All the walks make the most of the scenery and will satisfy all interests. Making your choice will be the difficulty on that day -20 March 1994. We leave school at 8.00 a.m. as usual and expect to be back in Formby by 7.30 p.m. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slip with cheque (not cash) in an envelope marked "RANGE WALKING CLUB" to the School office by Thursday, 10 March 1994.

'A' Walk
We start at Hope but immediately abandon Hope to climb to Lose Hill at the eastern end of the ridge separating the Hope and Edale valleys. From Lose Hill (476m) there should be extensive views. We then follow the ridge via Back Tor and Hollins Cross to Mam Tor (517m). Mam Tor is the site of an Iron Age Fort and the entire area of Mam Tor is undergoing erosion repair work by the National Trust. We then continue along Rushup Edge to Chapel Gate where we turn and descend to Barber Booth in the Edale Valley. From Barber Booth we climb back to Hollins Cross and then descend to Castleton. We then walk across fields back to Hope.
Distance: 13¾ miles
Ascent: 2200'
Leaders: John Hughes and Arthur Jones
'B'+ Walk
We start with Hope and walk south east towards Shotton Moor. Turning due south we follow Bradwell Edge and cross Abney Moor to Great Hucklow (the gliding centre of England). From Great Hucklow we follow a series of 'rakes' which are old workings to reach Tideswell Moor. Turning north we then cross Old Moor before turning north east in the dramatic defile of Cave Dale. Passing under Peveril Castle we skirt Castleton to follow the river then a minor road to bring us back, still with Hope. A beautiful walk.
Distance: 11½ miles
Ascent: 1500'
Leaders: Phil Morgan and Dave Luty
'B' Walk
An enjoyable circular walk, a little stiff for the first lap, which offers a succession of impressive views throughout Leaving Hope by the Edale Road, the walk passes under the railway line and then commences the 1000' ascent of Win Hill. The more adventurous can enjoy a little rock scramble to reach the summit. The walk continues eastwards to enter a fir forest before turning north and gradually descending to the shore of Ladybower Reservoir. Turning westward, the walk follows the shore line of the reservoir to its northern tip before ascending some 350' through fir trees to Hope Cross. From here the walk takes us southwards along the course of an old Roman road back to Hope.

Distance: 8¾ miles
Ascent: 1350'
Leaders: Patrick Ferguson and Dave Griffiths

'C' Walk
We leave Hope along the line of a Roman road which takes us to the site of the Roman fort of Navio. From here we drop down into Brough where we start a steady climb onto Bradwell Edge. The well- defined track eventually swings round at the head of Overdale and takes us to Shotton. If the weather is clear this section offers fine views throughout From Shotton, field and path walking takes us to Thornhill and on to Aston. Finally, a bridleway takes us back to Hope. A walk with plenty of variety though muddy in places.

Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 700'
Leaders: Bob Hutt and John Rothwell