Range Walking Club
Sunday 26th June 1994-Lake District-Ambleside
This month's walks take us back to the over popular Lake District. Based on Ambleside, the walks selected promise excellent views of the lakes and fells and must appeal to the club members. As usual we leave school at 8am prompt on Sunday, 26 June and hope to be back in Formby by 7.3Opm. A toilet only stop will be made on the outward journey and coaches will be parked up opposite Hayes Garden Centre in Ambleside where toilet facilities are available. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students in full-lime education. Please return slip with cheque (not cash) in an envelope marked "RANGE WALKING CLUB" by Thursday, 16 June 1994.

'A' Walk
Starting opposite Hayes Garden World in Ambleside we climb steadily to Jenkins Crag, deep in Skelghyll Wood and then continue east to Troutbeck. We follow Troutbeck northwards, keeping to the west of The Tongue until we reach 423082 where we climb steeply onto the south ridge of Stony Cove Pike and then north to the summit (763m). From here we descend to the Inn on the Kirkstone Pass for possible delays(!) before continuing south along Stock Ghyll back into Ambleside. Apart from the very steep climb just before lunch the going is superb and the scenery breathtaking!!
Distance: 16 miles
Ascent: 3000'
Leaders: Ken Bryning and Garfield Southall
'B'+ Walk
This strenuous but rewarding walk takes us through Kentmere (an area seldom visited by the club), Troutbeck and on to our destination at Ambleside. Starting from Staveley (G.R. 470984) the route follows a quiet minor road northwards and then uses riverbank and woodland paths to reach Kentmere. The first climb of the day then starts - up and over the Garburn Pass to arrive in Troutbeck - one question uppermost in our minds - Is the "Mortal Man" still open? Hopefully refreshed, we will then tackle the second ascent of the day to the summit of Wansfell Pike (1573') by way of Nanny Lane Track before making the final steep ascent into Ambleside. Tiring on the legs, but well worth it for superb views all day long (weather permitting of course!)
Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 2300'
Leaders: Dave Purdy and Glennis Poole

'B' Walk
Quickly leaving the hustle and bustle of Ambleside behind us, the 'B' walk takes in Stockghyll Force befor attacking Wansfell. The climb will be taken at a steady pace but nevertheless promises to be breathtaking: definitely physically, but weather permitting, also visually. From Wansfell Pike (1600' approx) we follow the ridge for a short distance before dropping down into Troutbeck. The hard work over, we then follow the undulating Robin Track, past Jenkin Crag and through Skelghyll Wood, arriving back in Ambleside via the back streets. Although this will be a hard 'B' walk, the main climbing will be before lunch and the views over the surrounding fells should make the effort required well worthwhile.
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 1800'
Leaders: Mike Wood and Ray Webb

'C' Walk
From Windermere we climb up to Orrest Head, a viewpoint which was an early inspiration for Wainwright. We then proceed via Near Orrest and the Longmire Road to Troutbeck for views of the Ill Bell ridge. Our route to Ambleside overlooks Lake Windermere and is via Robin Lane and Jenkin Crag. Several ups and downs but nothing too difficult
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 950'
Leader: Barry Whitby