Range Walking Club
Sunday 17th July 1994-Kirkby Stephen
The last walk before the summer recess takes us to the Kirkby Stephen area of Cumbria. We leave school at 8 am prompt on Sunday, 17 July and should be back in Formby by 7.30 pm. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slip with cheque (not cash) in an envelope marked "RANGE WALKING CLUB" by Thursday, 7 July 1994.

'A' Walk
Starting in Kirkby Stephen we follow Wainwright's coast to coast path east, skirting Hartley Quarries up to Nine Standards (668m) where fine views are available - weather permitting. We continue on the coast to coast path then to Pillar (831038). Leaving beaten track we go on to High Seat (707m) then descend Mallerstang Edge, across the river to Pendragon Castle, Lummerside Castle and Wharton Hall to Kirkby Stephen.

Distance: 15 miles
Ascent: 2850'
Leaders: John Roberts and Garfield Southall
B+' Walk
A pleasant, gentle walk taking in reputedly the finest limestone pavement in the country. We start at Orton Village (623083) and ascend to Great Asby Scar where good views abound before walking cross country to Crosby Garrett and then to the finish at Kirkby Stephen.

Distance: 12 miles;
Ascent: 2300'
Leaders: Dave Poole and Dave Wake
'B' Walk
Starting in Kirkby Stephen the route is southwards following firstly the river then paths to Nateby and across fields to Lockthwaite. A slight diversion takes us to the quite spectacular Ewbank Scar then continuing eastwards to Ladthwaite and then north along tracks past Hartley Quarries and Hartley Village. We return to Kirkby Stephen past the cricket field. On the easy side for a 'B' walk but there is plenty of varied scenery. It could be very muddy if wet.
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 750'
Leaden: Ian Gilmour and A N Other
'C' Walk
From Kirkby Stephen we walk parallel to the River Eden towards the hamlet of Nateby where, if our timing is right, a comfortable refreshment can be taken. We then continue with a short road walk and join a footpath to Lammerside Castle ruins. Our return route is via Wharton Hall. On a fine day this is a particularly attractive area and deserves to be walked at a very leisurely pace.
Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 350'
Leaders: Joyce and Rob Blackwell