Range Walking Club
Sunday 24th April 1994-North Lake District-Keswick
The April walks take place on Sunday 24th and are based on the Keswick area of the Lake District. The 'A' and 'B'+ walks are quite demanding but if you can manage either, the views are superb. We leave school at 8.00 a.m. as usual but as the walks are in the North Lakes area we are unlikely to be back before 8.00 p.m. A toilet stop will be made on the outward journey at Tebay Services on the M6. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students in full-time education. Please return slip with cheque (not cash) in an envelope marked "RANGE WALKING CLUB" by Thursday, 14 April 1994.

'A' Walk
This is a demanding walk which will have to be carried out at a fast pace. We start at Scales, going up Doddick Fell to the top of Blencathra - this is a superb ridge walk with striking views of the mountain ahead. We walk from the summit along the ridge towards the most westerly point before descending across Mungrisdale Common, aiming for the point where Roughton Gill runs into Glen Erattera Beck. Here we walk along the Cumbria Way to Skiddaw House. After a lunch stop we ascend Sale How on our way to the summit of Skiddaw. The descent will be either along the tourist route to Keswick or via Millbeck, depending on the state of the group after conquering two of the Lakes great peaks.
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 3900'
Leaders: M Williams and R Tynan

'B'+ Walk
This is an exceptionally fine walk with views of the Pennines, Solway Firth and the panorama of the Lake District - weather permitting. We start from Mungrisdale and go up the side of the tongue to Mungrisdale Common. We then divert to Bannerdale Crags before continuing to the top of Blencathra and along the ridge prior to descending via Blease Fell. When we reach the valley floor we follow the route of the Greta on a riverside path into the centre of Keswick. Most of the climbing will be done before lunch but it is of note that the path is undulating due to the river's contours.
Distance: 12½ miles
Ascent: 2800'
Leaders: Gordon Spence and Keith Ellard

'B' Walk
An excellent walk of continuous interest and variety, combining Watendlath, the climbing of some fine rugged heights and a lake shore walk. Starting at Barrow Bay on Derwent Water, the walk follows the Watendlath Road to Ashness Bridge and then through woods and along the beck to the, village of Watendlath. The route then goes southwest before turning northwest over Brund Fell (363') and on to King's How. Heading northwards the route is to Troutdale and the Borrowdale Road which is followed to the shore of Derwent Water. The lakeside path is then followed back to Keswick. Boots are essential on this walk.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 1100'
Leaders: Dave Griffiths and Dave Miles

'C' Walk
This walk starts near the landing stage at Barrow Bay and follows the first part of the 'B' walk route up to Ashness Bridge, which should afford good views in fine weather. We continue southwards on the minor road for a short distance and then branch off along a footpath to the west towards the impressive Lodone Falls at the south end of Derwent Water. The walk then follows the low level route around the west of the lake, passing through some quiet and picturesque areas while moving north towards Keswick where we finish the walk, in good time, hopefully, for a welcome visit to one of the many teashops or a pleasant stroll through the town.
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 500'
Leaders: Vikki Fahey and David Willis