Range Walking Club
Sunday 18th October 1992-White Peak District-Hartington
The next walk is on October 18th and is centred on the valley of the River Dove in the Peak District. This is probably the most beautiful valley in the White Peak district. The coach will leave school at 8.00 a.m. prompt and we expect to be back in Formby by 7.30 p.m. The cost remains at £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for students (under 18 years) Please return slips with cheques to Barbara Craine, school office, by Thursday, 8th October.
'A' Walk
Starting at Hartington we follow a series of quiet country lanes to the steep sided valley of the Dove. The walk downstream to Milldale is full of interest and includes a steep climb over Shining Tor (can be excluded for 'B'+ walks if desired). The route then leaves the Dove at Halldale and skirts the hamlet of Stanshope and proceeds via the riverless valley of the Manifold. Meandering across hillside and farmland we return to Hartington.
Distance: 14 miles. This is suitable for most 'A' & 'B'+ walkers.
Leaders: Gordon Spence and R Tynan
'B' Walk
This starts at Hartington old station and follows the route of the old railway line towards Tissington (Tissington Trail). Near Shining Tor we turn left towards Milldale and the River Dove. We then turn North along the Dove and follow this back to Beresford Dale before turning off to Hartington.
Distance: 10 miles
Leader: Phil Morgan
'C' Walk
A most interesting circular walk from Hartington which takes in part of the beautiful Dove Valley and passes through a number of squeezer stiles. The walk follows Beresford Dale and Wolfscote Dale southwards. Soon after passing Peaseland Rocks we cross the River Dove using stepping stones and make a short but very steep climb up Gipsey Bank which, if the weather is fine, will provide us with wonderful views of Iron Tors. A gentle walk leads us to Alstonefield for lunch where the "George P.H." will serve hot or cold food if desired. We then return to Hartington via some of the many picturesque footpaths through Beresford Dale and via the River Dove.
Distance: 7 miles
Leader: Vikki Fahey