Range Walking Club
Sunday 16th May 1993-North Wales-Snowdonia

The walks on the 16th May are in the Snowdonia area. the 'A' and 'B'+ walks are strenuous and should not be undertaken by anyone who is not used to these grades. All walks require boots as boggy land is encountered. We leave school as usual at 8.00 a.m. and expect to be back by 8.00 p.m. The cost remains at £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children or students. Please return slip with cheque (not cash) to Barbara Craine, school office, by Thursday, 6th May 1993.

'A' Walk
A spectacular high level walk starting at Pen-y-pass (647556). Snowdon is ascended via Crib-Goch and Crib-y-Ddisgl and then the walk takes in Bwlch Main before descending to the destination at Beddgelert. The walk includes a highly exposed ridge traverse and some scrambling. (An alternative walk has been prepared against adverse weather conditions).
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 4000'
Leaders: Rick Tynan and Gordon Spence
'B'+ Walk
The ascent of Cnicht (the Welsh Matterhorn) This is a first for the club as Cnicht stands in a somewhat isolated area of Snowdonia. The walk starts on the A498 near Bethania and progresses for 4 miles on an upward route until it reaches three small lakes close to Llynmawr Cwd on the Cnicht ridge. The route then passes Llyn yr Adar before making the final ascent to the twin peaks from whence on a good day it is possible to see Cadir Idris in the distance, and closer Porth Madoc Bay and Snowdon. Retracing our steps for a short way we descend, by an alternative route, to Llyn Llagi and Llyn Dinas before following the river Glas Lyn to Beddgelert. A superb ridge walk.
Distance: 11½ miles
Ascent: 1900'
Leaders: Meirion Williams and Keith Ellard
'B' Walk
An easy/moderate B walk which follows a triangular route along rivers and over the foothills southeast of Beddgelert to reach Llyn Dinas.Starting at Beddgelert, the route is southeast along the River Glaslyn and an old disused railway track to Nantmor. Here we turn northwards and climb steadily up through Cwm Bychan, past the copper mine which operated in the 1920's to reach the highest point on the walk at 950'. Given clear weather, a magnificent view stretches out northwards over Llyn Dinas and the Snowdonia Range making the one hour plus climb very worthwhile. A steep descent on a well defined path takes us to the lakeside. The return to Beddgelert is along the river and past the Sygyn Copper Mine.
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Dave Griffiths and David Miles
'C' Walk
A gentle walk with a variety of views and surroundings, starting with an easy climb away from Llyn Gwynant. A level woodland path between conifers and rhododendrons takes us to open countryside with views over Snowdonia, before a steady descent to Liyn Dinas. A rock-strewn path following the lake shore and River Glaslyn, past the Sygyn Copper Mine, brings us to Beddgelert. There will be opportunity to visit the mine (allow one hour) or explore the town. There are streams and muddy patches to cross. Boots are essential.
Distance: 6½ miles
Ascent: 400'
Leaders: Vicky Fahey and Dave Willis