Range Walking Club
Sunday 18th July 1993-Lake District-Langdales
The last walk before the summer recess takes us into the beautiful Langdale Valley in the Lake District - an area affording magnificent scenery and several opportunities for high class walks. Sunday, 18 July is the designated date and the coach will be leaving school as usual at 8.00 a.m. prompt and returning by 8.00 p.m. The cost of travel is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and students (under 18 years of age). Please complete the attached slip and return it with cheque (not cash) to the school office by Thursday, 8 July.
'A' Walk
This walk, with its variety and various climbs, will appeal to all strong walkers - altogether an exhilarating experience. Starting at New Dungeon Ghyll we walk up Langdale and ascend between Crinkle Crags and Bowfell via the less used route of Hell Ghyll - some easy scrambling involved. We then traverse Bowfell to Esk Pike and down to Angle Tam crossing Stake Pass before climbing to Pike O' Stickle thence via Loft Crag to Harrison Stickle and descend behind New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel to the waiting coach.
Distance: 11½ miles
Ascent: 4000'
Leaders: Ian Mitchell and Dave Luty
'B'+ Walk
Starting at New Dungeon Ghyll the route takes us south-west up Redacre Gill past Kettle Crag on to Pike of Blisco (2200'). The climb up is strenuous but will be taken at a slow pace. We then descend south-eastwards down Wrynose Beck on to a road before proceeding northwards past Blea Moss and Blea Tarn and Side Pike and down to The Old Hotel before proceeding eastwards back to New Dungeon Ghyll.
Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 2800'
Leaders: Dave Wake and Ian Gilmour
'B' Walk
The party alights at Skelwith Bridge and walks via Elterwater to the village of like name. We then ascend to the summit of Silver Howe before heading west to Blea Rigg. Continuing south we progress towards Pavey Ark where options for extending the walk exist (if required). Descent is via Dungeon Ghyll to the car park. A delightful walk with most of the ascent out of the way by lunch time.
Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 1500' (in easy stages)
Leaders: Phil Morgan and Roger McDonald
'C' Walk
A circular walk from Skelwith Bridge. The route takes us by riverside and woodland past Colwith Force and High Park. We join a track known locally as 'the mountain road' and eventually reach a view of Tarn Hows. Our return route takes us along the slopes of Black Crag from which there are excellent views of the Langdale Peaks.
Distance: 7¾ miles
Ascent: 500'
Leaders: Bob and Joyce Blackwell