Range Walking Club
Sunday 14th February 1993-South Lake District-Cartmel

This year's Hot-Pot Supper outing takes us to the area or South Lakes not previously visited by the club. Cartmel justifiably is regarded as a beautiful Lakeland village and the surrounding countryside is full of pleasant views and comfortable walking. Sunday, February 14th is the date and it is always a popular event so do book early. There will be a short toilet stop on the outward journey at Burton. The coach will leave school at 8.00 a.m. prompt and we hope to return by 8.30 p.m. The cost stays the same at £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. The Hot-Pot meal will cost £4.50 to members, inclusive of main course, choice of sweet, tea or coffee, which as last year will be after a subsidy from club funds - exceptional value, you will agree! Will members please indicate below on the attached return slip, their choice of main meal. We must insist that on the day you adhere to your selected choice as meals are ordered in advance. The meal will be at the Lindale Inn Payment by cheque only please and return slips should be attached and sent to Barbara Craine, school office by Thursday, 4th February 1993. Remember book early.

'A' Walk
Starts 1 mile S.E. of Newby Bridge G.R. 383850. From here we walk north up through the Chapel House Plantation to the high point (Raven Scar) with views over Windermere. The route then turns S.W. across fields and open ground to the Bigland Hall Estate where fine coastal views are to be seen from Bigland Heights. We then continue predominately south to the village of Cartmel, famous for its racecourse and Priory, which has recently been visited by H.R.H Queen Elizabeth. From Cartmel we make a fairly steep ascent onto Hampsfield Fell, a popular viewpoint with a summit monument. The descent north-easterly leads us to our finish in Lindale and a well earned Hot-Pot supper.

Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: 1300 ft.
Leaders: Ian Mitchell and Alan Clarkson

'B'+ Walk
The route is a shortened version of that taken by the 'A' party. Starts at the same place as the 'A' party but heads S.W. via fields to Bigland Hall. From Bigland Heights extensive views of Morecambe Bay and unusual sightings of Coniston Fells can be had. We then wend our way to Cartmel, a beautiful village surrounding the famous Priory, which if time allows could be briefly visited. We climb Hampfield Fell (slowly) to the hospice at its summit. Views through 360 degrees are extensive Descending through woods and field paths we make our way to Lindale for sustenance.

Distance: 10½ miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: John Hughes and Dave Luty

'B' Walk
Starting at High Newton 3 miles S.E. of Newby Bridge G.R. 401829. From High Newton the walk follows the quiet country lanes and bridleways south to Hampsfield Hall then follows footpaths to the village of Cartmel, where time will be taken to look around this lovely village. After leaving Cartmel we will make the ascent onto Hampsfield Fell which will be taken at a steady pace. After a short rest at the summit viewpoint we will descend towards Lindale where our walk finishes and the Hot Pot supper awaits.

Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 500 ft.
Leaders: Patrick Ferguson and Arthur Jones

'C' Walk
An attractive circular walk commencing in the village of Lindale taking in Hampsfield Fell (lunch stop at top with, optimistically, splendid 360 degree views), then steepish descent into Cartmel for a look at that beautiful abbey (Elizabeth R there recently) returning via edge of golf course and quiet lanes back into Lindale for Hot-Pot. Some uphill work at start and middle sections of walk but will be taken at an easy pace, boots essential.
Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Bob Hutt and Dave Griffiths