Range Walking Club
Sunday 4th April 1993-Derbyshire-Holmfirth
The next walk is on April 4th and takes us to a new area for the club, Holmfirth. None of the walks are particularly strenuous or high level and it is hoped therefore to allow time for 'Last of the Summer Wine' enthusiasts to explore the parts of Holmfirth that may appeal to them. In this respect leaflets providing a map and other information will be made available on the coach. We leave school as usual at 8.00 a.m. prompt, and expect to be back by 7.30 p.m. The cost of the coach is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. There will be a short toilet stop at Birch Service Station on the M62 on the outward journey. Please return slip with cheque to Barbara Craine, school office by Thursday, 25th March 1993.

'B'++ Walk
Starting on the A635 at the road junction at (G.R. 077073) below Wessenden Moor, our route descends to Marsden clough before climbing Stopes Moor and the issues road to the village of Holme, an undulating route with views over the Holme valley takes us to Hades via Elysium and so via valley tracks and lanes to Holmfirth.

Distance: 12½ miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: David and Glennis Poole
'B'+ - Walk
This walk also commences on the A635 at (G.R. 094078) and heads south and then south-east crossing Digley Reservoir (by a bridge) to Holme and then over Ramsden reservoir to Upper White Gate and Hades. We then proceed to Snittlegate and on to Hepworth following the Holm Valley circular walk. We leave the circular walk and proceed via Jackson Bridge and Wooldale, finishing the walk in Holmfirth. An interesting walk with many variations of scenery and many excellent viewpoints given a fine day.
Distance: 11½ miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Dave Wake and Ian Gilmour
'B' Walk
This walk which starts at Holmfirth church includes views of industrial heritage as well as open moorland, deep cloughs and hidden valleys. Walking south from Holmfirth by road, track and field we reach Cartworth Moor to the south-west before making our way to Snittlegate via Reynards clough. We continue via fields and wooded valleys to Scholes and thence through lanes and fields to Cliff where we make the descent into Holmfirth.
Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Peter Lucas and Ken Parks

'C' Walk
A circular walk around Holmfirth starts from the swimming pool car park, after a sharp pull up towards Upper Thong we walk through the hamlets of Hogley Green and Cark Green to Digley Reservoir. Our return is via Hinchcliffe Mill and New Dunsley in time to visit Nora Batty's steps etc. Rather more ups and downs than usual for a 'C' walk but the views are quite rewarding.
Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 500'
Leaders: Joyce and Bob Blackwell