Range Walking Club
Sunday 22nd September 1991-Lake District-Grasmere
Welcome back! I trust you are all ready to enjoy another season of interesting walks. A warm welcome is extended to new members I hope this will be the start of many happy walks with the club. What a better way to start then in the Lake District where Garfield's team has organised four interesting walks for us on Sunday 22nd September 1991. We leave school at 8.00 a.m. prompt and hope to be back in Formby by about 7.30 p.m. A toilet stop will be made at Burton Services on the M6 on the outward journey. The cost is the usual £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please return the slips to Barbara Craine, school office, accompanied by the appropriate cheque, by Thursday 12th September.

'A' Walk
To start the new walking year we offer one of the classic walks of Lakeland, The Fairfield Horseshoe. This is a fine, high ridge walk providing kaleidoscopic views of all the major peaks. Starting at Ambleside the route takes in Low Pike, High Pike, Dove Crag, Hart Crag, Fairfield (2863'), Great Rigg and Nab Scar. From the latter we descend NW to Alcock Tarn and then into Grasmere to meet the coach.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 3500'
Leaders: Ken Bryning and Garfield Southall

'B'+ Walk
A heart pounding walk to start the new season. Starting from Thirlspot, we take the 'white stones' route via Brown Cove Crag and Lower Man, to the summit of Helvellyn (3118'). Beautiful views in all directions (weather permitting). We return to Grasmere via Nethermost Pike, Dollywaggon and Grisedale Tarn.

Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 2700'
Leaders: Dave Purdy and Glennis Poole

'B' Walk
Waterside walk climbing steadily from Steel End at south end of Thirlmere, along Wyth Burn, past Wythburn Head Tarns to the col below Greenup Edge. Descent via Moor Moss and Far Easedale Gill entering Grasmere by Easedale Tarn Road. Wet underfoot in parts but otherwise 'dry' for the tee-totaller.

Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 1250'
Leaders: Ray Webb and Mike Wood

'C' Walk
The walk starts in Grasmere and proceeds steadily via Allan Bank to the top of Silver How (1292') from where the views are superlative. If conditions are favourable a descent into Elterwater will be rewarded at the Inn before rejoining the route at Hammerscar Plantation. From Redbank the route heads back to Grasmere for ice-cream and ginger-bread!

Distance: 6 miles
Ascent: 1100' (option adds 1 mile and 450' ascent)
Leader: Pete Kenna