Range Walking Club
Sunday 17th May 1992-Lake District-Glenridding
Our next walk is on Sunday, 17th May, 1992, in the Patterdale/Glenridding area. We leave the school at 8.a.m. prompt and expect to be back at Formby by 7.30 p.m. The cost of the outing is the usual £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please return the slips to Barbara Craine school office by Thursday, 7th May. There will be a short toilet stop on the outward journey at Burton Service Station.

'A' Walk
Dockray to Glenridding with lunch on Helvellyn. There are excellent views of Ullswater as we cross Watermillock Common and skirt the Brown? Hills to pick up the contour path to Sticks Pass (Alas the wooden posts are long gone). A long climb to Raise follows but this is amply rewarded by the stunning scenery of the main Helvellyn ridge as we walk to Dollywagon Pike and continue via Grisedale to Glenridding.
Distance: 14 miles
Ascent: 3000'
Leaders: Gordon Spence and Merion Williams

'B'+ Walk
An easy start from Hartsop along Pasture Beck. The climb out of the valley and onto Thornthwaite Crag (784m) is steep and stony. An easy section follows, across to Mardale Ill Bell (757m) and then North over High Street (828m). We can extend the walk along the ridge to High Raise (802m) before starting to descend via Rampsgill Head (792m) and The Knott (710m) or make straight for the Knott to suit the group and/or weather conditions. We walk down past Angle Tarn to Patterdale (the path is badly eroded and boggy in places) and then on to Glenridding. If the weather is kind the views will be superb.
Distance: 11-13 miles
Ascent: 900m
Leaders: Rick Tynan and Keith Ellard

'B' Walk
Starting at Deepdale Bridge (399144) the walk takes us southwards as we gradually climb the ridge with Deepdale on our right. Our route swings southeast as we make for the summit of Hartsop above How (1870'). From here the craggy North faces of Fairfield, Hart Crag and Dove Crag are clearly visible A gentle descent to a broad depression, followed by a steep ascent over rocky terrain brings us to the top of Hart Crag. Turning northwest we head for Fairfield (2863') with extensive views over the Lake District. We then make a steep descent (1000') to Grisedale Tarn (the path is badly eroded). Skirting the Tarn we make our way over boulders to join the path through Grisedale to Patterdale to finish at Glenridding. As parts of walk may be wet and muddy, together with the rocky terrain, walking boots are essential.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 2300'
Leaders: Dave Griffiths and Ken Lamb

'C' Walk
By comparison with many Lakeland walks this is a reasonably level walk apart from one short climb out of Hartsop village. We start the walk in Patterdale and cross over to Crooksbeck woodland then back over the A592 and on to Brotherwater. Walking around the lake we reach the lunch stop where refreshments are available if required (The Brotherwater Inn charges between £3.00 and £5.00 but requires advance notice). We next pass through the old mining village of Hartsop (17 houses) and from a viewpoint above it can see the whole of Brotherswater and, although the summit of Helvellyn is hidden by St. Sunday crag, Deepdale. (a typical glacial valley) The walk continues via Patterdale to Glenridding.

Distance: 8 miles
Leaders: Jan Yabsley and Vikky Fahey.