Range Walking Club
Sunday 12th July 1992-South Lake District-Broughton in Furness
Our next club walk is on Sunday, 12th July, and takes us to Broughton-in-Furness, a charming area of the Lake District. The fells and valleys North east of Broughton where our walks take place contain possibly some of the best walking and views to be found anywhere in the Lake District. All the walks finish in Broughton, a pleasant town of some interest. We leave school at 8.00 a.m. prompt and expect to be back at Formby by 7.30 p.m. The cost remains £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children under l8yrs. Please return slips to Barbara Craine, School Office by Thursday, 2nd July. There will be a short toilet stop at Burton Services on the outward journey.

'A' Walk
Starting at Torver we climb gently through woods before reaching open moorland and a climb (steep at the end) up to Walna Scar Road. We then make the short, steep ascent of Brown Pike (2237'). From here we head South west to White Pike (2100') and then descend to cross Caw Moss. An ascent is then made to the rocky summit of Caw (1735') from where extensive views of the Scafell Group and South towards the sea are most impressive. From Caw we continue Southwest to visit Stickle Pike (1231') and Great Stickle (1001'). From Broughton Mills we follow field paths to finish in Broughton-in-Furness.

Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: 3000'
Leaders: Arthur Jones and Alan Clarkson

'B'+ Walk
Commences at Torver (Grid ref: 285943) and climbs Westwards to Bleaberry Hows and Torver High Common. From here we contour to Caw Moss before climbing The Caw (1735') with exceptional views in all directions from the summit. The descent Southwest to Dunnerdale Fells taking in Stickle Pike (1231') and Great Stickle, with again great views. A descent to Broughton Mills (Grid ref. 223907) from here a series of paths across fields takes us to our finish in Broughton-in-Furness.

Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 2350'
Leaders: Ian Mitchell and Phil Morgan

'B' Walk
A Beautiful walk with all the best aspects of Lakeland. Splendid views, hidden tarns, country lanes (long underused) and wild flowers galore. We start at Torver and walk South-east to find Beacon Tarn. Turning westward we skirt Woodland Fell to the hamlet of Woodland (delightful church) thence to Buttstead Wood. Progress is then alongside the now disused railway from Coniston to Ulverston until we reach the superb parkland approach to Broughton-in-Furness which we cross and only leave 100 yards from coaches. A truly classic 'B' walk.

Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 700'
Leaders: Dave Luty and Patrick Ferguson

'C' Walk
This walk, weather permitting, offers splendid views of 'Coniston Old Man'/Duddon Sands etc. with hill, woodland and meadow paths,. plus possible pub stop at Broughton Mills if time allows. Some uphill work at the start and middle sections but on sound tracks and will be taken slowly.

Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 600'
Leaders: Bob Hutt and Dave Griffiths.